Citizenship Ceremony Dates
AHB made this Official Information request to Tauranga City Council
Response to this request is long overdue. By law Tauranga City Council should have responded by now (details and exceptions). The requester can complain to the Ombudsman.
From: AHB
Dear Tauranga City Council,
I would like to request for all the Citizenship Ceremony dates from December 2024 to December 2025.
I would also like to request what are the criteria and procedures for someone to attend a ceremony in a place that is not where they usually live. Is there any supporting document they need to provide?
For example, if someone needs to attend a ceremony in Auckland but they wish to attend the ceremony in Hamilton (because the Hamilton one is the earliest and they don’t get the Auckland one before their citizenship application lapse date), what he or she should do?
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
From: Info Tauranga City Council
Tauranga City Council
Dear AHB
Thank you for contacting Tauranga City Council. If your matter is of an
urgent nature, then please call us immediately on 07 577 7000.
Your email has been referred to a member of our Customer Services team who
will respond to you directly within 2 working days or refer your query to
the appropriate person for their response.
If we use a contractor to action your request on our behalf, the
information you've provided us may be passed on to that contractor. For
information about how we collect, use, and disclose personal information,
and your rights to request access to and correction of the personal
information we hold about you, please see our Privacy Statement on our
If you have any further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us on
Ph: 07 577 7000, or email us at [1][Tauranga City Council request email] and an Advisor
will be available to help you.
Kind regards
Tauranga City Council
Phone 07 577 7000
21 Devonport Road, Private Bag 12022, Tauranga 3143, New Zealand
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1. mailto:[Tauranga City Council request email]
From: Info Tauranga City Council
Tauranga City Council
Kia ora and hello
Thank you for your email.
The December citizenship ceremony hosted by the Mayor's Office of Tauranga
City has just been held (11 December 2024). I have passed your request for
further ceremony dates on to our Mayor's Office, for their response, under
reference no. 1170218. They will contact you shortly.
In general, these ceremonies are hosted once a month in Tauranga, for
candidates who live in this area. Invitations to a citizenship ceremony
are sent from the Department of Internal Affairs in Wellington, and
application for citizenship is also made through them. So you would need
to check with them about the possibility of being invited to a citizenship
ceremony outside of where you live. You can contact them via email on
[1][email address] or via freephone on 0800 225 151.
If you do contact the Citizenship Ceremonies Team, please include or have
ready your:
* full name
* date of birth, and
* New Zealand citizenship reference number
If you have any further enquiries you would like to discuss, please do not
hesitate to contact us on Ph: 07 577 7000 or email us at
[Tauranga City Council request email] and an Advisor will be available to help you.
Nga mihi and regards
Faryn Te Atatu | Advisor: Contact Centre
Tauranga City Council | Phone 07 577 7000 | [2]
21 Devonport Road, Private Bag 12022, Tauranga 3143, New Zealand
From: [FOI #29526 email]
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2024 5:54 PM
To: [Tauranga City Council request email]
Subject: Official Information request - Citizenship Ceremony Dates
Dear Tauranga City Council,
I would like to request for all the Citizenship Ceremony dates from
December 2024 to December 2025.
I would also like to request what are the criteria and procedures for
someone to attend a ceremony in a place that is not where they usually
live. Is there any supporting document they need to provide?
For example, if someone needs to attend a ceremony in Auckland but they
wish to attend the ceremony in Hamilton (because the Hamilton one is the
earliest and they don’t get the Auckland one before their citizenship
application lapse date), what he or she should do?
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #29526 email]
Is [Tauranga City Council request email] the wrong address for Official Information
requests to Tauranga City Council? If so, please contact us using this
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Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence