We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Chris McCashin please sign in and let everyone know.

Reporting on National & International Events Since 2008

Chris McCashin made this Official Information request to Government Communications Security Bureau

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Chris McCashin to read a recent response and update the status.

From: Chris McCashin

Dear Government Communications Security Bureau,

Are you able to provide a list of all of the reporting completed by the GCSB since 2008 for both National and International Events

Can you please

- What the event was - Christchurch shooting, parliament protest, earthquake, cyclone events
- Date of event
- Reporting completed - purpose of the report / scope ie in-house / input to royal commission, internal memo / reporting for ministers
- Copies of the memos and all reports completed by the GCSB in unredacted format given the events have now been and gone

Just any and all reporting completed by the GCSB for anything since 2008 whether large or small.

Yours faithfully,

Link to this

From: Information (GCSB)
Government Communications Security Bureau

Kia ora


We refer to your official information request, outlined below, for a list
of all the reporting completed by the GCSB since 2008 for both National
and International events.


The GCSB is New Zealand’s lead organisation for Signals Intelligence
(SIGINT), meaning we specialise in intelligence derived from electronic
communications. We also provide cyber-security and cyber-resilience for
organisations of national significance. In order to deliver these
functions we produce a variety of reporting, classified and unclassified,
about many national and international events.


Your request as currently framed will be very difficult to meet without
substantial collation or research.  You will need to be much more specific
about what events you are interested in, and what sort of reporting you
are after. It would also be helpful to refine your timeframe down - you
are currently asking for 16 years of information.


Unless your request is amended, we may have to refuse it under section
18(f) of the Official Information Act 1982, which applies where the
information cannot be made available without substantial collation or


Please let us know by Friday 25 October whether you are prepared to amend
or clarify your request and, if so, how.  Please note, if you do amend or
clarify your request, this will be considered to be a new request for the
purpose of calculating the maximum statutory timeframe for response – see
section 15(1AA) of the OIA.


Kind regards



show quoted sections

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From: Chris McCashin

Dear Information (GCSB),

Thanks for the response

I am happy to refine the years and my request

Maybe initially the request could be

- Please provide a list of all the events reported on globally since 2011
- Please provide a list of all the events reported on nationally since 2011

I am sure you could just export a list into an excel spreadsheet with these lists from your databases?

- Then maybe you can tell me the reports that you do complete - Classified Reporting - what reports are these? - Non Classified - what reports are these?

If you can export a list of the work you have done then I will be able to select what events / reports I want. It might be that I only want a handful

- Maybe it is the Christchurch earthquake induced by the US government confirmed via wiki leak reports
- Maybe it is the engineered weather events we are being sent by the US government
- Maybe it is the 2014 coup-de-tat to instill Zelensky in Ukraine
- Maybe it is the engagement of the five eyes to spy on Donald Trump and his campaign
- Maybe it is the Covid-19 pandemic that definitely didn't come from the Wuhan lab funded with US money and completed using US technology / scientists
- Maybe it is the US 2020 fake election with all the hundreds of thousands extra ballots
- Maybe it is the upcoming US election likely to be another banana republic sham and what our agencies can do to assist in that cover up
- Maybe it is the excess deaths that are definitely not from the vaccine despite the "natural causes" all being safety signals associated with "safe and effective" product forced on us
- Maybe it is us being aware Israel appear to be provoking things in the middle east Lebanon / Iran that we have intelligence on yet won't make a statement about this being a war crime
- Mosque shooting in NZ

To be fair I might not want anything, however if you can provide a list of the reporting you have done and type of reporting I can review and request following that.

I am assuming Classified "means honest" reporting versus Unclassified meaning the narrative so will be interesting to see how that is squared.

Additionally is there a website that provides public reporting links that have been done.

Yours sincerely,

Chris McCashin

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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Chris McCashin please sign in and let everyone know.

Things to do with this request

Government Communications Security Bureau only: