We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Anna Wilson please sign in and let everyone know.

Flexible Funding

Anna Wilson made this Official Information request to Ministry for Disabled People

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Anna Wilson to read recent responses and update the status.

From: Anna Wilson

Dear Ministry for Disabled People,

Kia ora,

Under the Official Information Act 1982 I am requesting the following information. I have numbered my requests for ease and have provided background information where applicable.

1) The number of Flexible Funding applications that Whaikaha has approved for overseas travel, massages, hairdressers, pedicures, tobacco, alcohol, and lotto tickets.

Following the announced changes to the Flexible Funding criteria, it has been stated that carers were accessing Flexible Funding to purchase overseas travel, massages, haircuts, pedicures, tobacco, alcohol, and lotto tickets.

When asked about the source of this information, it has been stated [in answer to Written Parliamentary Questions 4339 (2024), 4334 (2024), 4337 (2024), 4338 (2024)] that Whaikaha has examples of this expenditure.

The Briefing REP-WHK-24-02-018: Changes to Equipment and Modification Services and flexible funding to manage Whaikaha expenditure was proactively released by Whaikaha also confirmed that Flexible Funding had been used for some of these purposes (referenced on Page 6).

Therefore, I am requesting the number of flexible funding applications that Whaikaha has approved for overseas travel, massages, hairdressers, pedicures, tobacco, alcohol, and lotto tickets. I request that the number be broken down into these sub-categories.

2) The examples of Flexible Funding applications for the above categories that Whaikaha provided to the then-Minister for Disability Issues Hon Penny Simmonds.

In response to Written Parliamentary Questions 4339 (2024), 4334 (2024), 4337 (2024), 4338 (2024) Minister Simmonds has stated that she was “provided with examples of this kind of expenditure”.

Therefore, I am requesting the examples that Whaikaha provided to Hon Penny Simmonds of flexible funding being used for overseas travel, massages, hairdressers, pedicures, tobacco, alcohol, and lotto tickets.

I note that the Official Information Act 1982 does not just apply to written information but also captures verbal information. If verbal examples were provided in lieu of written information, I ask that a recollection of these verbal examples is provided and then any written information that the Whaikaha employee was basing these examples off.

3) Any examples of Flexible Funding applications for the aforementioned categories that Whaikaha has provided to the new Minister for Disability Issues Hon Louise Upston

4) All correspondence between Whaikaha and Minister Simmonds’ office, including the Minister herself and all her Ministerial and departmental staff, relating to Flexible Funding

Kind regards,

Anna Wilson

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From: Anna Wilson

Dear Ministry for Disabled People,

Can you please acknowledge receipt of this request and confirm that it is being processed under the Official Information Act 1982?

Thank you,

Anna Wilson

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From: OIA_requests (WHAIKAHA)
Ministry for Disabled People


Hi Anna, I am glad you followed up.

I can't find any record of your original request coming through to our mailbox, but I can see it on the FYI.org.nz website.

I have logged it in our system now (reference number OIA2914), and we will begin working on it. I will also reach out to the FYI.org.nz team to see if they know why your original request never made it to our inbox.

Kind regards
Ministerial and Executive Services
Ministry of Disabled People - Whaikaha

-----Original Message-----
From: Anna Wilson <[FOI #27143 email]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2024 10:50 AM
To: OIA_requests (WHAIKAHA) <[Ministry for Disabled People request email]>
Subject: Re: Official Information request - Flexible Funding

Dear Ministry for Disabled People,

Can you please acknowledge receipt of this request and confirm that it is being processed under the Official Information Act 1982?

Thank you,

Anna Wilson

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[FOI #27143 email]

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From: OIA_requests (WHAIKAHA)
Ministry for Disabled People

Attachment OIA2914 response.pdf
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Kia ora Anna


Please find our response attached.


Ngā mihi

Ministerial and Executive Services
Ministry of Disabled People - Whaikaha 


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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Anna Wilson please sign in and let everyone know.

Things to do with this request

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