Maori Real estate management act

Sovereign sharna made this Official Information request to Judith Collins

Currently waiting for a response from Judith Collins, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Sovereign sharna

Dear Judith Collins,
Whereas the Maori Real Estate Management Act 1867 carries forward provisions equivalent to the Cestui Que Vie Act 1666;

And whereas the word ‘Maori’ has first recorded use 1828 as an adjective meaning literally, normal, ordinary, ;

And whereas s11 Native District Regulations Act 1858 creates a definition of ‘half caste’ so broad as to include everyone;

And whereas a statute does not need to state that it cannot be repealed because once put into force it cannot be repealed by any later Parliament, its provisions can merely be brought forward into current legislation, because a later Parliament cannot derogate from its forefathers legislation. (cf. Halsbury’s Laws of England)

Please provide specific details of how the Age of Majority Act 1970 interrelates with the Maori Real Estate Management Act 1867, and the cest qui vie act, and

Please provide specific details of every other enactment providing similar authorities;


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From: Hon Judith Collins

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Hi there


This is our acknowledgement of your request.


Kind regards


Office of Hon Judith Collins KC MP


Member of Parliament for Papakura

Attorney-General | Minister of Defence | Minister for Digitising
Government | Minister Responsible for the GCSB Minister Responsible for
the NZSIS | Minister of Science, Innovation & Technology | Minister for
Space | Lead Coordination Minister for the Government’s Response to the
Royal Commission’s Report into the Terrorist Attack on the Christchurch

Email: [1][email address]   Website:

Private Bag 18041, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160, New Zealand






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Things to do with this request

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