Key Solar Radiation Modification surveillance and policy and execution activities in NZ or internationally

Paul made this Official Information request to Ministry of Transport

The request was refused by Ministry of Transport.

From: Paul

Tena Koe Ministry of Transport

In February 2023 the UN published One Atmosphere: An independent expert review on Solar Radiation Modification research and deployment You will note from the report that the practice is widespread and that images within the document resemble NZ skies from time to time.

In relation to this UN report in particular, or Solar Radiation Modification research, policy or deployment as pertains to NZ domestic and international policy, diplomatic, or legal activities, would you please provide: (1) an explanation of how the responsibilities are managed within the framework of NZ government institutions and responsibilities (lead agency, terms of reference, public-private-partnerships, research relationships); (2) the relevant New Zealand policy direction or executive directions; (3) copies of surveillance and monitoring reports of relevant operational activities for the most recently available 12 months; and, (4) copies of any meeting minutes, commissioned research findings, or contractual relations for 2022-23 in relation to this subject.

Should this request prove quite sizeable, I am perfectly happy to receive the information in instalments as the information comes available.

Nga Mihi

Paul Garner

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From: OCU
Ministry of Transport

Kia ora,
Thank you for your email. Te Manatū Waka Ministry of Transport is now
closed until Monday 9 January and this inbox is not being monitored. Your
email will be acknowledged and actioned after that date. 
Ngā mihi


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Wellington 6011 | NEW ZEALAND | Tel: +64 4 439 9000 |

Auckland | NZ Government Auckland Policy Office | 45 Queen Street | PO Box
106238 | Auckland City | Auckland 1143 | NEW ZEALAND | Tel: +64 4 439 9000

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It may contain information which is confidential, proprietary or the
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From: OCU
Ministry of Transport

Notification of Transfer of your Official Information Act request


On behalf of Te Manatū Waka Ministry of Transport, thank you for your
Official Information Act request of 27 December 2023 for information on
Solar Radiation Modification.


The information to which your request relates, is more closely connected
with the functions of Ministry for the Environment (MfE).


In these circumstances, we are required by Section 14 of the Official
Information Act 1982 to transfer your request.


Accordingly, your request is being transferred to MfE today.


You will hear further from them in due course.


Ngā mihi,



Kaitohutohu - Tuhinga Ōkawa | Advisor, Official Correspondence

Te Kāhui Tangata | Corporate Services

Te Manatū Waka | Ministry of Transport  


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul <[FOI #25302 email]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2023 6:01 PM
To: OCU <[MOT request email]>
Subject: Official Information request - Key Solar Radiation Modification
surveillance and policy and execution activities in NZ or internationally


Tena Koe Ministry of Transport


In February 2023 the UN published One Atmosphere: An independent expert
review on Solar Radiation Modification research and deployment
You will note from the report that the practice is widespread and that
images within the document resemble NZ skies from time to time.


In relation to this UN report in particular, or Solar Radiation
Modification research, policy or deployment as pertains to NZ domestic and
international policy, diplomatic, or legal activities, would you please
provide: (1) an explanation of how the responsibilities are managed within
the framework of NZ government institutions and responsibilities (lead
agency, terms of reference, public-private-partnerships, research
relationships); (2) the relevant New Zealand policy direction or executive
directions; (3) copies of surveillance and monitoring reports of relevant
operational activities for the most recently available 12 months; and, (4)
copies of any meeting minutes, commissioned research findings, or
contractual relations for 2022-23 in relation to this subject.


Should this request prove quite sizeable, I am perfectly happy to receive
the information in instalments as the information comes available.


Nga Mihi


Paul Garner




This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[2][FOI #25302 email]


Is [3][MOT request email] the wrong address for Official Information
requests to Ministry of Transport? If so, please contact us using this



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From: Taku Mahi

Kia ora Paul Garner,

Thank you for your Official Information Act request received on

We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible and in
any event no later than 20 working days after the day your request was
received. If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will
notify you of an extension to that timeframe.

Please note the Ministry for the Environment will release responses to
selected OIA requests on our [1]OIA responses page shortly after the
response has been sent.

If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us at
[email address].

Please note that this Taku Mahi inbox is not monitored.

Ngâ mihi nui

Ministerial Services Team 

Ministry for the Environment – Manatû Mô Te Taiao

Email: [email address] Website: [2] 

8 Willis Street, Wellington Central, Wellington 6011


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From: OIA

Attachment image001.jpg
3K Download

Attachment image002.png
0K Download

Attachment image003.png
0K Download

Attachment image004.png
0K Download

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0K Download

Attachment image006.png
0K Download

Attachment image007.jpg
97K Download

Attachment OIAD 921 Response Paul Garner.pdf
102K Download View as HTML

Tēnā koe Paul,


Please find attached the Ministry for the Environment's response to your
below Official Information Act request.


Ngā mihi,




Keren Ross she/her

Senior Advisor | Kaitohutohu

Ministerial Services

Ministry for the Environment | Manatū Mō Te Taiao
[1]Text Description [2][IMG] [3][IMG] [4][IMG] [5][IMG] [6][IMG]
automatically generated





From: OCU <[MOT request email]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2024 8:42 AM
To: Paul <[FOI #25302 email]>
Cc: OCU <[MOT request email]>
Subject: RE: Official Information request - Key Solar Radiation
Modification surveillance and policy and execution activities in NZ or


Notification of Transfer of your Official Information Act request


On behalf of Te Manatū Waka Ministry of Transport, thank you for your
Official Information Act request of 27 December 2023 for information on
Solar Radiation Modification.


The information to which your request relates, is more closely connected
with the functions of Ministry for the Environment (MfE).


In these circumstances, we are required by Section 14 of the Official
Information Act 1982 to transfer your request.


Accordingly, your request is being transferred to MfE today.


You will hear further from them in due course.


Ngā mihi,



Kaitohutohu - Tuhinga Ōkawa | Advisor, Official Correspondence

Te Kāhui Tangata | Corporate Services

Te Manatū Waka | Ministry of Transport  


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul <[7][FOI #25302 email]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2023 6:01 PM
To: OCU <[8][MOT request email]>
Subject: Official Information request - Key Solar Radiation Modification
surveillance and policy and execution activities in NZ or internationally


Tena Koe Ministry of Transport


In February 2023 the UN published One Atmosphere: An independent expert
review on Solar Radiation Modification research and deployment
You will note from the report that the practice is widespread and that
images within the document resemble NZ skies from time to time.


In relation to this UN report in particular, or Solar Radiation
Modification research, policy or deployment as pertains to NZ domestic and
international policy, diplomatic, or legal activities, would you please
provide: (1) an explanation of how the responsibilities are managed within
the framework of NZ government institutions and responsibilities (lead
agency, terms of reference, public-private-partnerships, research
relationships); (2) the relevant New Zealand policy direction or executive
directions; (3) copies of surveillance and monitoring reports of relevant
operational activities for the most recently available 12 months; and, (4)
copies of any meeting minutes, commissioned research findings, or
contractual relations for 2022-23 in relation to this subject.


Should this request prove quite sizeable, I am perfectly happy to receive
the information in instalments as the information comes available.


Nga Mihi


Paul Garner




This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[10][FOI #25302 email]


Is [11][MOT request email] the wrong address for Official Information
requests to Ministry of Transport? If so, please contact us using this



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the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:



If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA






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7. mailto:[FOI #25302 email]
8. mailto:[MOT request email]
10. mailto:[FOI #25302 email]
11. mailto:[MOT request email]

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Has NIWA Misled Parliament?: Climate agency feels the heat after OIA dump

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