Unidentified aerial craft in NZ

N. S. Hudson made this Official Information request to Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand

The request was refused by Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand.

From: N. S. Hudson

Dear Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand,

Previously information has been provided via spreadsheet up until 27-Sep-21, (https://fyi.org.nz/request/16927-ufos#in...) may I please get the any and all information, including civilian and military reports, reports to any and all government ministers, and any and all information shared between other government agencies and the CAA, including correspondence, relating to unidentified aircraft in New Zealand airspace since September 29, 2021 to the current date.

Yours faithfully,

N. S. Hudson

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From: OIA
Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand

Morena N.S Hudson,

Official information request for
I refer to your official information request dated 6/09/2023 for:

"may I please get the any and all information, including civilian and military reports, reports to any and all government ministers, and any and all information shared between other government agencies and the CAA, including correspondence, relating to unidentified aircraft in New Zealand airspace since September 29, 2021 to the current date."

We are refusing your request under section 18(e) of the Official Information Act as the requested document does not exist.

You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available at www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or freephone 0800 802 602.

Nga Mihi,

OIA Team
Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand Aviation Security Service
Te Mana Rererangi Tūmatanui o Aotearoa | Kaiwhakamaru Rererangi

Legal Services | OIA
Level 8, Asteron Centre, 55 Featherston Street, Wellington 6011, PO Box 3555, Wellington, 6140, New Zealand
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-----Original Message-----
From: N. S. Hudson <[FOI #24679 email]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 7, 2023 6:43 PM
To: OIA <[email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - Unidentified aerial craft in NZ

Dear Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand,

Previously information has been provided via spreadsheet up until 27-Sep-21, (https://fyi.org.nz/request/16927-ufos#in...) may I please get the any and all information, including civilian and military reports, reports to any and all government ministers, and any and all information shared between other government agencies and the CAA, including correspondence, relating to unidentified aircraft in New Zealand airspace since September 29, 2021 to the current date.

Yours faithfully,

N. S. Hudson


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From: N. S. Hudson

Dear OIA,

Can I please obtain a copy of the list that has unidentified airplanes, helicopters, gliders, unknown, AND strange natural or unnatural sightings, that the CAA is responsible for collecting, since the last entry obtained by an FOI request:

Occurrence No:21/5242, Occurrence Type:ASP, Severity:MI, Date:27-Sep-21, Description:"Airspace Infringement. Unidentified helicopter entered the CH CTR/C without a clearance before leaving the CTR to the south. No calls made on 118.4 or 119.2.", Location:Christchurch, NRP:CH, Flight Phase:CRUISE, Nature Of Flight:FERRY/POSITIONING, Safety Outcome Target Group:Other Commercial Operations -Helicopters.

I've got from Occurrence No:00/239 dated:08-Jan-00, until Occurrence No:21/5242 dated:27-Sep-21. I would like all information on the list/report since Occurrence No:21/5242 dated:27-Sep-21 please. It's there somewhere.

If the information is not there at all, can you please confirm you can find the information of somewhere in the vicinity of Occurrence No:00/239 dated:08-Jan-00, to Occurrence No:21/5242 dated:27-Sep-21 please, or has the filing system changed since that last entry?

The NZDF states that the CAA is responsible for collecting information on UFO/UAP, is this still the case? If not when did that change?

Is there a memo or email on record regarding UFO/UAP to CAA/AVSEC staff from any NZ or foreign government department, private contractor etc, or from CAA/AVSEC to any NZ or foreign government department, private contractor etc, since the year 2000?

Since the NZDF representative in Washington DC went to the AARO meeting in May 2023 in the USA regarding UFO/UAP, was there any reporting back from the NZDF (or NZSIS, GCSB, or any other government or private agency) to the CAA/AVSEC regarding this meeting, as the CAA is meant to be responsible for collecting data of any unknown aircraft reported by civilian or government sources. It's a shame if there wasn't, but the Australian Air Commodore isn't taking it seriously either.

Yours sincerely,

N. S. Hudson

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From: N. S. Hudson

Dear OIA,

May I please then get the name of the document/file that holds this information below from a previous FOI request:

"Occurrence No:21/5242, Occurrence Type:ASP, Severity:MI, Date:27-Sep-21, Description:"Airspace Infringement. Unidentified helicopter entered the CH CTR/C without a clearance before leaving the CTR to the south. No calls made on 118.4 or 119.2.", Location:Christchurch, NRP:CH, Flight Phase:CRUISE, Nature Of Flight:FERRY/POSITIONING, Safety Outcome Target Group:Other Commercial Operations -Helicopters."

Yours sincerely,

N. S. Hudson

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From: N. S. Hudson

Dear OIA,

Could you please respond as to whether you've recieved this modified request that is still to do with the same original request.

Yours sincerely,

N. S. Hudson

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Things to do with this request

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