Follow up

James made this Official Information request to New Zealand Police

The request was successful.

From: James

Dear New Zealand Police,

Under the OIA may I please have the following information.

Please provide the timeline of the backup of the additional 18 Police officers requested at the Albert Park, Parker Posie event.

This should include but be limited to the time of observation that things were deteriorating, time of request for extra officers, time when the full complement of 18 officers had arrived and then time of plan and what that plan was in deploying the extra 18 officers, where were the officers deployed and when? etc.

Yours faithfully,


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From: WU, Wenfang (Elsa)
New Zealand Police

Good morning James,


I am getting in touch to advise you that Police is still working on your
OIA request of 8^th May 2023.


We realise that the consultation we need to do on your request means that
we need to extend the time limit for responding to you.


We endeavour to provide you a final response as soon as practical,
hopefully by the end of June. 


If you have any questions, you can contact us via email.


Thank you for your understanding and patience.



Kind regards



Elsa Wu (she/her)

CMSU Supervisor


Case Management Support

Auckland City Police



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From: James

Dear WU, Wenfang (Elsa),

This request is now overdue by, please advise.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,


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From: WU, Wenfang (Elsa)
New Zealand Police

Dear James,

Thank you for your enquiry.

It is understood that Police are currently still working on your request.

Apologies for the delay.

Appreciate your patience and understanding.

Will be in touch as soon as a final response is ready.

Kind regards

Elsa Wu (she/her)
CMSU Supervisor

Case Management Support
Auckland City Police

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From: James

Dear WU, Wenfang (Elsa),

Thank you for your response.

As your original requested time extension has now expired, please provide the actual date the information will be provided.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,


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From: James

Dear WU, Wenfang (Elsa),

This request is now long overdue. No time extension was requested by the NZ Police and a further two weeks have now passed and no delivery date was provided as requested.

Please advise.

Yours sincerely,


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From: WU, Wenfang (Elsa)
New Zealand Police

Hi James,

Sorry for keeping you waiting on a final response.

As far as I am aware that a response is going through its final review and approval stage.

I will update you as soon as it is ready for release.

Again apologies for the delay.

Thank you for your continuous understanding and patience.

Kind regards

Elsa Wu (she/her)
CMSU Supervisor

Case Management Support
Auckland City Police

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From: James

Dear WU, Wenfang (Elsa),

This request now 27 days late and multiple requests for a final delivery date have ignored by the NZ Police.

Please advise.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,


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From: WU, Wenfang (Elsa)
New Zealand Police

Attachment James of FYI IR 01 23 14207 Response released 310723.pdf
292K Download View as HTML

Dear James,

Please refer to the final response attached for your OIA request made.

Apologies for the delay.

Kind regards

Elsa Wu (she/her)
CMSU Supervisor

Case Management Support
Auckland City Police

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Things to do with this request

New Zealand Police only: