Kakaha Park Design

George Bryant made this Official Information request to Selwyn District Council

The request was successful.

From: George Bryant

Dear Selwyn District Council,

Why is the grass on the new Kakaha Park dying?

Why does the new sports ground not have sufficient drainage and a design to stay open on wet days for sport games to be played?

Could you please provide what changes are being made to bring this new park up to the promised specifications?

Yours faithfully,

George Bryant

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From: Phillip Millar
Selwyn District Council

Hi George


Thanks for your enquiries.

My answers to your 3 questions are shown below:

Why is the grass on the new Kakaha Park dying? The grass did appear
stressed over summer as we reduced the height of grass down for the
Cricket season (for the first time). However, the grass has been
recovering well although is currently a bit yellow as it requires another
fertiliser treatment. This fertiliser treatment has been booked in for
application soon. We are confident that the grass is not dying, but is
short of some nutrients (as often happens with young newly established
grass), therefore will recover well after fertiliser application.

Why does the new sports ground not have sufficient drainage and a design
to stay open on wet days for sport games to be played? The sports fields
have lateral perforated drains at 7.5m cts running across all fields.
These help drain the fields during wet weather, however the fields are not
to the standard of a full sand pitch or artificial turf, therefore the SW
drainage does not mean that there will not have to be closures sometimes
due to wet weather. All grassed sports fields in Selwyn experience
closures due to wet weather from time to time as required.

Could you please provide what changes are being made to bring this new
park up to the promised specifications? No changes are being made to the
field drainage currently. However, SDC have engaged a Storm Water
consultant to give advice regarding the two SW basins and how the drainage
of them can be improved. Improving the drainage of the SW basins should
increase the speed of drainage of the sports fields drainage.

Kind regards




-----Original Message-----
From: George Bryant <[1][FOI #22405 email]>
Sent: Thursday, April 6, 2023 9:55 AM
To: OIA <[2][Selwyn District Council request email]>
Subject: Official Information request - Kakaha Park Design

Dear Selwyn District Council,

Why is the grass on the new Kakaha Park dying?

Why does the new sports ground not have sufficient drainage and a design
to stay open on wet days for sport games to be played?

Could you please provide what changes are being made to bring this new
park up to the promised specifications?

Yours faithfully,

George Bryant

Phillip Millar

Major Projects Manager
+64 33472819
+64 276836514
[3]Selwyn District Council Logo
2 Norman Kirk Drive, Rolleston 7643
PO Box 90, Rolleston
Phone: (03) 347 2800 or 03 318 8338
Fax: (03) 347 2799

[4]www.selwyn.govt.nz | [5]www.selwynlibraries.co.nz
[6]www.selwyn.getsready.net | [7]m.selwyn.govt.nz


Visible links
1. mailto:[FOI #22405 email]
2. mailto:[Selwyn District Council request email]
3. https://www.selwyn.govt.nz/
4. file:///tmp/www.selwyn.govt.nz
5. file:///tmp/www.selwynlibraries.co.nz
6. file:///tmp/www.selwyn.getsready.net
7. file:///tmp/m.selwyn.govt.nz

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