Public Interest Journalism Fund - Fire and Fury by Stuff Limited Funding
Damien De Ment made this Official Information request to Ministry for Culture and Heritage
This request has been withdrawn by the person who made it. There may be an explanation in the correspondence below.
From: Damien De Ment
Dear Ministry for Culture and Heritage,
NZ on Air, which falls under your ministry, is tasked with administering the Public Interest Journalism Fund (PIJF). Stuff Limited received funding for a 'documentary' that was funded by PIJF. It was called Fire and Fury.
Please provide information or answer the following questions:
1.) please provide in unredacted form all meeting minutes, or emails relating to the application for funding, including all applications, proposals or grant submissions made by Stuff Limited for the production of Fire and Fury.
2.) please provide internal policies or criteria that are used by PIJF to review applications for funding. This is to include the conditions or reasons for why funding is declined or granted.
3.) please provide in unredacted form all meeting minutes, emails relating to the approval of funding by PIJF to Stuff Limited for the production of Fire and Fury. Including all contracts, agreements, conditions finalised as part of funding.
to include, but not limited to:
Melissa Dobson (communications)
Candice Dobson (communications)
Courtney Grenfell (legal)
Terence Taylor (exec producer)
Louisa Cleave (researcher / producer)
Paula Penfold (researcher / reporter)
Lovella Aninon (finance)
4.) please provide internal polices or criteria about how PIJF qualitatively reviews, or safety checks the content that it's funding has created.
5.) please provide in unredacted form all meeting minutes, emails, forms or resources used to qualitatively review and safety check the Fire and Fury 'documentary' before it was approved to be published publicly.
Yours faithfully,
Damien De Ment
From: OIA
Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Kia ora Damien,
Thanks for your email. You many not be aware, but New Zealand on Air | Irirangi Te Motu is an Autonomous Crown Entity, which is subject to the Official Information Act in its own right. Manatū Taonga would not hold the information that you have requested and it is likely to be held by NZ On Air.
Can you please confirm whether you have also made a request to NZ On Air. If not, the Ministry will likely need to consider transferring your request.
Ngā mihi,
Te Pae Hāpai Minita | Ministerial Services
Manatū Taonga | Ministry for Culture & Heritage
Ki te puāwai te ahurea, Ka ora te iwi
Culture is thriving, The people are well
Public Trust Building, 131 Lambton Quay, Wellington
PO Box 5364, Wellington 6140 | Ph +64 4 499 4229
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From: Damien De Ment
Dear OIA,
Can my OIA please be transferred to NZ on Air. Thank you
Yours sincerely,
Damien De Ment
From: Damien De Ment
Dear OIA,
I have withdrawn this request to this ministry as OIA suggested the direct authority of NZ on Air would be more appropriate.
Yours sincerely,
Damien De Ment
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence