Recipients of the Public Interest Journalism Fund

Luke made this Official Information request to NZ On Air

The request was partially successful.

From: Luke

Dear NZ On Air,

I request the following information under the OIA:

1. A funding breakdown of all organisations that have received funding from the Public Interest Journalism Fund (PIJF) to date.

2. Please list all online news articles that have received funding from the PIJF, how much funding was applied for, and how much funding each specific article has received.

3. A list of all projects that have received funding from the PIJF, how much funding was applied for, and how much each specific project has received.

4. A list of all organisations who have applied for, but were denied funding under the PIJF. Please also provide the funding sought.

5. A list of all organisations who have applied for, and successfully received funding under the PIJF. Please also provide the funding granted.

6. Please release all successful funding applications made by organisations to the PIJF, and their reasons for why their nominated projects fulfil a public interest service that would otherwise have been at risk.

Yours faithfully,


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From: NZOA Info
NZ On Air

Tēnā koe

Thank you for your email. Your OIA request has been noted and will be responded to within the statutory timeframe.

Nāku noa, nā

NZ On Air Admin

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From: Conall Aird
NZ On Air

Attachment image001.png
182K Download

Kia Ora,

This email is regarding your OIA request to NZ On Air dated 13 June 2022.

Having regard to the volume of information requested under parts of your
request, this would have an unreasonable interference in our agency’s
ability to carry out day to day operations. Considering this, we are
extending the timeframe for the decision on your request by a further 30
working days. We will respond to your request by 22 August 2022.

The primary reason for this extension concerns the part of your request
that asks for ‘reasons for why their nominated projects fulfil a public
interest service that would otherwise have been at risk’. To adequately
respond to this request NZ On Air will need to compile all 11 PIJF funding
papers that has been submitted to our Staff Investment Committee and/or
Board at the date of your request (which in total deal with 98 successful
applications) and redact necessary information from these papers based on
commercial sensitivity, privacy and other applicable reasons under the
Official Information Act.

Other parts of your request are not as burdensome to our agency so please
let us know if you are happy to receive our responses in stages or are
instead prepared to wait to receive the information in its totality.

Further to this, please let us know if you would consider requesting a
sample of this requested information (e.g. a portion of the 11 PIJF Staff
Investment Committee/Board funding papers I have referenced above) if you
are hoping to receive the information at a sooner date.

Secondly, I wanted to see if you would consider refining the part of your
request concerning a ‘list all online news articles that have received
funding from the PIJF, how much funding was applied for, and how much
funding each specific article has received’, as the PIJF funding is for
public interest journalism roles and projects, as opposed to specific
articles. We have in place a monitoring system that tracks the
viewership/readership of funded content however there is no document that
exists that contains all online news articles and how much funding each
specific article has received.

However, we can provide you with a spreadsheet detailing each successful
project and roles funding application, their respective content outcomes
and respective publishing platform. Please let me know if this would meet
the type of information you are seeking under this part of your request.

I apologise for the time it has taken to respond to you. Our timeframes
have been impacted by staff absences due to COVID and our agency dealing
with a higher than usual volume of OIA requests.

I look forward to hearing from you.




Conall Aird

Business Affairs Advisor (Legal)

Kaitohutohu Kirimana Pakihi (Ture)

NZ On Air | Irirangi Te Motu

[mobile number]

At NZ On Air we work flexibly. Please email me or phone my mobile as I am
sometimes working from home.

[1] Follow us on [2]Facebook, [3]Twitter or

PO Box 9744 | Wellington | New Zealand 6141



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From: Luke

Dear Conall Aird,

Thank you for your detailed response. In response to your questions:

I am prepared to wait for the information in its totality and therefore do not need to receive a sample at an earlier date.

You mentioned that NZOA has a spreadsheet that tracks viewership of funded content. This is exactly what I'm looking for regarding that part of my request.

Kind Regards,


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From: NZOA Info
NZ On Air

Attachment image001.png
554K Download

Attachment 2022 08 18 OIA Response PIJF Queries.pdf
953K Download View as HTML

Attachment NZ On Air PIJF OIA Request Compiled Documents for Release.pdf
17.1M Download View as HTML

Attachment NZ On Air PIJF OIA List of Contracted Content Outcomes.xlsx
26K Download View as HTML

Attachment NZ On Air PIJF OIA Online Tracked Articles 1 8 21 through 13 6 22.xlsx
514K Download View as HTML

Tēnā koe Luke,


Please see attached for correspondence relating to your OIA .


Nāku noa, nā

NZ On Air Admin




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Things to do with this request

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