Plans in the event of the Queen's passing

Luke made this Official Information request to New Zealand Defence Force

The request was partially successful.

From: Luke

Dear New Zealand Defence Force,

What plans and procedures does the New Zealand Defence Force have in the event of the passing of HM Queen Elizabeth II?

Yours faithfully,


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From: Ministerial Services
New Zealand Defence Force

Link: [1]File-List

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From: Ministerial Services
New Zealand Defence Force

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Good afternoon Luke
The Cabinet Office, Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, leads the
planning and arrangements in response to the Demise of The Crown (the New
Zealand Government response to the death of Her Majesty The Queen). The
New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF), together with other agencies and
organisations, has responsibilities under that plan. The key elements of
the NZDF’s involvement are firing gun salutes at designated times,
providing support to the Proclamation of Accession Ceremony, and support
to the State Memorial Service.

Kind regards
Corporate and Ministerial Services
OCDF, Office of Chief of Defence Force
New Zealand Defence Force

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From: Luke

Dear Ministerial Services,

Thank you for your response. In it, you said: "(...) The key elements of the NZDF’s involvement are firing gun salutes at designated times (...)".

Specifically, what are those designated times? Are they likely to coincide with events in London?

Secondly, what does "providing support" entail, when the NZDF is providing support to the Proclamation of Accession Ceremony?

Yours sincerely,


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From: Luke

Dear Ministerial Services,

Finally, does the New Zealand Defence Force plan on participating in any ceremonies in the United Kingdom and/or other Commonwealth realms?

Yours sincerely,


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From: Ministerial Services
New Zealand Defence Force

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Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data

Good afternoon Luke,


As noted below, the Cabinet Office leads the planning and the NZDF will be
notified of its responsibilities under that plan when the response to the
Demise of the Crown is required.




Corporate and Ministerial Services

OCDF, Office of Chief of Defence Force
New Zealand Defence Force





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From: Luke

Dear Ministerial Services,

Therefore, is the NZDF currently unaware of its specific responsibilities regarding the demise of The Queen?

Yours sincerely,


Link to this

From: Ministerial Services
New Zealand Defence Force

Attachment image001.png
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Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data

Good afternoon Luke,


New Zealand Defence Force personnel would participate in overseas
ceremonies in response to death of Her Majesty The Queen as required.




Corporate and Ministerial Services

OCDF, Office of Chief of Defence Force
New Zealand Defence Force





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From: Ministerial Services
New Zealand Defence Force

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Good afternoon Luke
The NZDF supports the wider New Zealand response to the Demise of the
Crown and is one element of the wider plan. The NZDF has been an integral
part of this planning and is preparing for a range of likely tasks. It is
up to the lead agency, however, to provide public details of exactly how
the Government will respond.
It appears that you have already addressed questions on this topic to the
Cabinet Office.

Corporate and Ministerial Services
OCDF, Office of Chief of Defence Force
New Zealand Defence Force

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C/O CHERYL TUTAKI left an annotation ()

Accession declaration 1910 how to apply it

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Things to do with this request

New Zealand Defence Force only: