Proactive Release of Briefing

john luke made this Official Information request to Department of Internal Affairs

The request was successful.

From: john luke

Dear Department of Internal Affairs,

I noted on your website,

May I request full copy of the following documents

Appointments to the Oranga Marae Committee: decision briefing and draft Cabinet paper

Talking points for Cabinet Appointments and Honours Committee 27 October 2021: Appointment of the Chair of the Library and Information Advisory Commission Ngā Kaiwhakakamārama i ngā Kohikohinga Kōrero

New Zealand Lottery Grants Board / Te Puna Tahua Appointments: Adjusted Appointment Documents
Film and Literature Board of Review: appointment documents

Appointments to the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Board: Draft Cabinet paper for the Cabinet Appointments and Honours Committee

Yours faithfully,

john luke

Link to this

From: OIA
Department of Internal Affairs

Tçnâ koe John,

Thank you for your OIA request to the Department of Internal Affairs (included with this email)

The Department will provide its response to your request as soon as practicable and within twenty working days. The 20th working day is 25 January 2022

Please note that in cases where the Department’s response provides information that is identified to be of general public interest, the response may also be published on the Department of Internal Affairs website. If the Department publishes its response to your OIA request, all personal information, including your name and contact details, will be removed.

Nâku, nâ

Michelle Reed (she/her)  
Kaitohutohu Ârahi, te Ture Pârongo Ôkawa | Lead Advisor Official Correspondence 
Te Urûngi | Organisational Strategy & Performance
Level 6, 45 Pipitea St | PO Box 805, Wellington 6140, New Zealand |

-----Original Message-----
From: john luke <[FOI #17862 email]>
Sent: Tuesday, 7 December 2021 2:12 AM
To: OIA <[email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - Proactive Release of Briefing

[You don't often get email from [FOI #17862 email]. Learn why this is important at

Dear Department of Internal Affairs,

I noted on your website,

May I request full copy of the following documents

Appointments to the Oranga Marae Committee: decision briefing and draft Cabinet paper

Talking points for Cabinet Appointments and Honours Committee 27 October 2021: Appointment of the Chair of the Library and Information Advisory Commission Ngâ Kaiwhakakamârama i ngâ Kohikohinga Kôrero

New Zealand Lottery Grants Board / Te Puna Tahua Appointments: Adjusted Appointment Documents Film and Literature Board of Review: appointment documents

Appointments to the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Board: Draft Cabinet paper for the Cabinet Appointments and Honours Committee

Yours faithfully,

john luke


This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #17862 email]

Is [DIA request email] the wrong address for Official Information requests to Department of Internal Affairs? If so, please contact us using this form:

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA page.


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From: minadviceteam
Department of Internal Affairs

Attachment image001.png
9K Download

Attachment 23 December 2021 John Luke Extension Letter.pdf
571K Download View as HTML

Tçnâ koe, John


Please find attached correspondence regarding your request for


Ngâ mihi


Maya Jones (she/her*)|Manager Ministerial Advice

Toi Hiranga | Regulation & Policy

Department of Internal Affairs Te Tari Taiwhenua

[mobile number]|Direct Dial: 04 494 5723|Extn: 5723

45 Pipitea Street| PO Box 6011, Wellington 6140 | [1]


*Click [3]here if you’d like to learn more about how sharing pronouns can
help create a sense of belonging and respect.



Visible links

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From: Olivia Ryan
Department of Internal Affairs

Attachment Response letter to John Luke.pdf
616K Download View as HTML

Attachment 1 Appointments to the Oranga Marae Committee decision briefing and draft Cabinet paper.pdf
2.5M Download View as HTML

Attachment 2 Talking points for Cabinet Appointments and Honours Committee 27 October 2021.pdf
930K Download View as HTML

Attachment 3 New Zealand Lottery Grants Board Te Puna Tahua adjusted appointment documents.pdf
1.8M Download View as HTML

Attachment 4 Film and Literature Board of Review appointment documents.pdf
1.3M Download View as HTML

Attachment 5 Appointments to the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Board Draft Cabinet paper for the Cabinet Appointments and Honours Committee.pdf
2.9M Download View as HTML

Good morning John,

Please find attached response to your request on 7 December 2021.

Kind regards,

Ministerial Advice Team
Department of Internal Affairs

-----Original Message-----
From: john luke <[FOI #17862 email]>
Sent: Tuesday, 7 December 2021 2:12 AM
To: OIA <[email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - Proactive Release of Briefing

[You don't often get email from [FOI #17862 email]. Learn why this is important at

Dear Department of Internal Affairs,

I noted on your website,

May I request full copy of the following documents

Appointments to the Oranga Marae Committee: decision briefing and draft Cabinet paper

Talking points for Cabinet Appointments and Honours Committee 27 October 2021: Appointment of the Chair of the Library and Information Advisory Commission Ngā Kaiwhakakamārama i ngā Kohikohinga Kōrero

New Zealand Lottery Grants Board / Te Puna Tahua Appointments: Adjusted Appointment Documents Film and Literature Board of Review: appointment documents

Appointments to the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Board: Draft Cabinet paper for the Cabinet Appointments and Honours Committee

Yours faithfully,

john luke


This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #17862 email]

Is [DIA request email] the wrong address for Official Information requests to Department of Internal Affairs? If so, please contact us using this form:

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA page.


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