Levels of specific toxins in Geraldine Water supply
R Lees made this Official Information request to Timaru District Council
The request was partially successful.
From: R Lees
Dear Timaru District Council,
Please can you tell me what the Lindane, Aldrin, Dieldrin, Arsenic and DDT levels are in the Geraldine water supply, when and how often they are tested and how they compare with World Health Standards guidelines.
Yours faithfully,
Rebecca Lees
From: Teresa Heap
Timaru District Council
Dear Rebecca
Please accept my apologies for the late reply.
The chemicals requested are not routinely tested by Timaru District Council as the levels are at low risk. Sample results from 1994 give arsenic but at a value that did not require ongoing sampling.
We are currently reviewing our sampling to see if additional chemicals should be tested for.
We refer DWSNZ (Drinking Water Standards of NZ) values not the WHO. Do you want a copy of the DWSNZ?
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