Costs of planned matariki celebrations

Terry Thomas made this Official Information request to Ministry for the Environment

The request was successful.

From: Terry Thomas

Dear Ministry for the Environment,

Please provide all proposals and budgets for 2021 matariki celebrations the ministry is proposing to directly fund, whether the event is confirmed or not. Also the location/s of such event/s and who will be invited (categories rather than individuals).

Yours faithfully,

T Thomas

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Kia ora Terry

Thank you for your Official Information Act request received on

We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible and in
any event no later than 20 working days after the day your request was
received. If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will
notify you of an extension to that timeframe.

Please note the Ministry for the Environment will release responses to
selected OIA requests on our [1]OIA responses page shortly after the
response has been sent.

If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us.

Ngā mihi nui

Ministerial Services Team 

Ministry for the Environment – Manatū Mō Te Taiao

Email: [MFE request email] Website: [2] 

23 Kate Sheppard Place, Thorndon, Wellington 6143



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Kia Ora Terry Thomas

Please find attached information regarding your Official Information Act

Ngā mihi nui

Risha Khanna

Ministerial Services Team 

Ministry for the Environment – Manatū Mō Te Taiao

Email: [email address] Website: [1] 

23 Kate Sheppard Place, Thorndon, Wellington 6143


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