Analysis of WHO Covid-19 origins report
Harold made this Official Information request to Nanaia Mahuta
The request was successful.
From: Harold
Dear Nanaia Mahuta,
This is a request for information relating to the government's analysis of the WHO Covid-19 origins investigation report.
In reference to the following two public statements by the Foreign Minister:
#1: To Newshub, 1st April:
"Our technical experts are currently analysing the report. As this is a scientific report, we want to make sure we understand the science before making any comment. We will wait until our experts have finished analysing the report."
#2: To Newshub, 6th April, asked if the analysis was complete:
"Not as yet, and as I have already said publicly, I will wait to take advice on the content of the report and what response New Zealand should form in relation to it... We got around about 36 hours notice of the report, and in terms of making a response, it was my decision to ensure that we had an informed response. I would much rather, because it is technical in nature, that we have our technicians having a look at the contents of the report before we respond."
And a statement responding to the WHO report eventually appeared on the MFAT website on 16th April.
I request:
ONE: Copies of all analysis or "advice on the content" of the WHO report received by the Foreign Minister.
TWO: Copies of all advice as to "what response New Zealand should form in relation" to the WHO report received by the Foreign Minister.
THREE: An explanation of what "technical experts" or "technicians" were referred to in the above quotes, including what agency they work for and what qualifications they have to undertake the analysis.
FOUR: Copies of all communications relating to the analysis between the Foreign Minister's office and the technical experts and/or their controlling agency, including the communications tasking them to undertake the analysis and setting out guidelines for how they should undertake the analysis; and any progress reports or requests for updates on progress.
FIVE: If in fact no analysis of the WHO report has been completed or no such analysis or advice has been shared with the Foreign Minister, despite the publication of MFAT's statement on 16th April, I request an explantion as to why this plan was abandoned.
Please note that all of the above is for information held by the Foreign Minister's office. I do not want any part of my request to be transferred to any other agency.
Yours faithfully,
From: N Mahuta (MIN)
Nanaia Mahuta
Thank you for contacting the office of Hon Nanaia Mahuta, Minister of
Foreign Affairs, Minister of Local Government, and Associate Minister for
Mâori Development.
Minister Mahuta receives a significant volume of correspondence:
If your message is for Minister Mahuta’s advice, or if you have copied
your email to another Minister and/or Member of Parliament with more
appropriate portfolio responsibilities, then this will be noted,
· If you have invited Minister Mahuta to an event, then a member of
staff may contact you for more information if the Minister’s attendance
might be possible,
· If you have made a request for official information, then this
will be managed in accordance with the provisions of the Official
Information Act 1982, which may include transfer to a more relevant
Minister or agency,
· If you have made a request under the Privacy Act, then this will
be managed in accordance with the principles of the Privacy Act 1993,
which may include transfer to a more relevant Minister or agency,
· If you are a journalist, you can make a media request by visiting
the following link Media Request<>
· To find out more about Minister Mahuta read her
biography<> or
recent statements<>.
Ngâ mihi
[1]cid:image002.jpg@01D6B683.B93AFC70 Office of Hon Nanaia Mahuta
Minister of Foreign Affairs |
Minister of Local Government |
Associate Minister for Mâori
DDI: 04 817 8711
Private Bag 18041, Parliament
Buildings, Wellington 6160, New
Please note information about meetings related to the Ministers’
portfolios will be proactively released (this does not include personal or
constituency matters). For each meeting in scope, the summary would list:
date, time (start and finish), brief description, location, who the
meeting was with, and the portfolio. If you attend a meeting with the
Minister on behalf of an organisation, the name of the organisation will
be released. If you are a senior staff member at an organisation, or meet
with the Minister in your personal capacity, your name may also be
released. The location of the meeting will be released, unless it is a
private residence. The proactive release will be consistent with the
provisions in the Official Information Act, including privacy
considerations. Under the Privacy Act 1993 you have the right to ask for a
copy of any personal information we hold about you, and to ask for it to
be corrected if you think it is wrong. If you’d like to ask for a copy of
your information, or to have it corrected, or are concerned about the
release of your information in the meeting disclosure, please contact the
sender. You can read more about the proactive release policy at
Authorised by Hon Nanaia Mahuta, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160,
Visible links
From: Foreign Affairs Portfolio
Tçnâ koe Harold,
I refer to your email of 6 June 2021 in which you request the following
under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA):
“This is a request for information relating to the government's analysis
of the WHO Covid-19 origins investigation report.
In reference to the following two public statements by the Foreign
#1: To Newshub, 1st April:
"Our technical experts are currently analysing the report. As this is a
scientific report, we want to make sure we understand the science before
making any comment. We will wait until our experts have finished analysing
the report."
#2: To Newshub, 6th April, asked if the analysis was complete:
"Not as yet, and as I have already said publicly, I will wait to take
advice on the content of the report and what response New Zealand should
form in relation to it... We got around about 36 hours notice of the
report, and in terms of making a response, it was my decision to ensure
that we had an informed response. I would much rather, because it is
technical in nature, that we have our technicians having a look at the
contents of the report before we respond."
And a statement responding to the WHO report eventually appeared on the
MFAT website on 16th April.
I request:
ONE: Copies of all analysis or "advice on the content" of the WHO report
received by the Foreign Minister.
TWO: Copies of all advice as to "what response New Zealand should form in
relation" to the WHO report received by the Foreign Minister.
THREE: An explanation of what "technical experts" or "technicians" were
referred to in the above quotes, including what agency they work for and
what qualifications they have to undertake the analysis.
FOUR: Copies of all communications relating to the analysis between the
Foreign Minister's office and the technical experts and/or their
controlling agency, including the communications tasking them to undertake
the analysis and setting out guidelines for how they should undertake the
analysis; and any progress reports or requests for updates on progress.
FIVE: If in fact no analysis of the WHO report has been completed or no
such analysis or advice has been shared with the Foreign Minister, despite
the publication of MFAT's statement on 16th April, I request an explantion
as to why this plan was abandoned.
Please note that all of the above is for information held by the Foreign
Minister's office. I do not want any part of my request to be transferred
to any other agency.”
This letter advises that, due to the necessity for further consultation
and review, I will need to extend the time limit for responding to you by
30 working days, to 17 August 2021. If this process is completed and we
are able to respond before 17 August 2021, the response will be sent to
you as soon as possible. Some of the information in this request is also
within scope of your other request to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
Trade (OIA ref: 27499) and will be provided as soon as it is available.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of
this decision by contacting [1] or freephone
0800 802 602.
Nâku noa
Office of Hon Nanaia Mahuta
Minita Take Aorere / Minister of Foreign Affairs
[2]cid:image002.jpg@01D6B683.B93AFC70 Office of Hon Nanaia Mahuta
Minister of Foreign Affairs |
Minister of Local Government |
Associate Minister for Mâori
DDI: +64 4 817 8711
Private Bag 18041, Parliament
Buildings, Wellington 6160, New
Visible links
From: Foreign Affairs Portfolio
Tçnâ koe Harold
I refer to your email of 3 June 2021 in which you request the following
under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA):
“This is a request for information relating to the government's analysis
of the WHO Covid-19 origins investigation report.
In reference to the following two public statements by the Foreign
#1: To Newshub, 1st April:
"Our technical experts are currently analysing the report. As this is a
scientific report, we want to make sure we understand the science before
making any comment. We will wait until our experts have finished analysing
the report."
#2: To Newshub, 6th April, asked if the analysis was complete:
"Not as yet, and as I have already said publicly, I will wait to take
advice on the content of the report and what response New Zealand should
form in relation to it... We got around about 36 hours notice of the
report, and in terms of making a response, it was my decision to ensure
that we had an informed response. I would much rather, because it is
technical in nature, that we have our technicians having a look at the
contents of the report before we respond."
And a statement responding to the WHO report eventually appeared on the
MFAT website on 16th April.
I request:
ONE: Copies of all analysis or "advice on the content" of the WHO report
received by the Foreign Minister.
TWO: Copies of all advice as to "what response New Zealand should form in
relation" to the WHO report received by the Foreign Minister.
THREE: An explanation of what "technical experts" or "technicians" were
referred to in the above quotes, including what agency they work for and
what qualifications they have to undertake the analysis.
FOUR: Copies of all communications relating to the analysis between the
Foreign Minister's office and the technical experts and/or their
controlling agency, including the communications tasking them to undertake
the analysis and setting out guidelines for how they should undertake the
analysis; and any progress reports or requests for updates on progress.
FIVE: If in fact no analysis of the WHO report has been completed or no
such analysis or advice has been shared with the Foreign Minister, despite
the publication of MFAT's statement on 16th April, I request an explantion
as to why this plan was abandoned.
Please note that all of the above is for information held by the Foreign
Minister's office. I do not want any part of my request to be transferred
to any other agency.”
On 6 July 2021, you were advised that, due to the necessity for further
consultation and review, we will need to extend the time limit for
responding to you by 30 working days.
A decision has been made to release information relevant to your request.
The information is in the final stages of preparation and review and will
be sent to you as soon as possible. Some portions of the information are
withheld under the following sections of the Act:
· 6(a): to avoid prejudicing the security or defence
of New Zealand or the international relations of the New Zealand
· 6(b)(i): to protect the passing of information from
another government on a confidential basis;
· 6(b)(ii): to protect the passing of information from
an international organisation on a confidential basis;
· 9(2)(a): to protect individuals’ privacy;
· 9(2)(ba): to protect the supply of confidential
information by a third party;
· 9(2)(d): to protect the economic interests of New
Zealand; and
· 9(2)(g)(i): to protect the free and frank expression
of opinions by departments.
Where the information has been withheld under section 9 of the OIA, no
public interest in releasing the information has been identified that
would override the reasons for withholding it.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of
this decision by contacting [1] or freephone
0800 802 602.
Nâku noa
Office of Hon Nanaia Mahuta
Minita Take Aorere / Minister of Foreign Affairs
Visible links
From: Foreign Affairs Portfolio
Tēnā koe Harold
I refer to your email of 3 June 2021 in which you request the following
under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA):
This is a request for information relating to the government's analysis of
the WHO Covid-19 origins investigation report.
In reference to the following two public statements by the Foreign
#1: To Newshub, 1st April:
"Our technical experts are currently analysing the report. As this is a
scientific report, we want to make sure we understand the science before
making any comment. We will wait until our experts have finished analysing
the report."
#2: To Newshub, 6th April, asked if the analysis was complete:
"Not as yet, and as I have already said publicly, I will wait to take
advice on the content of the report and what response New Zealand should
form in relation to it... We got around about 36 hours notice of the
report, and in terms of making a response, it was my decision to ensure
that we had an informed response. I would much rather, because it is
technical in nature, that we have our technicians having a look at the
contents of the report before we respond."
And a statement responding to the WHO report eventually appeared on the
MFAT website on 16th April.
I request:
ONE: Copies of all analysis or "advice on the content" of the WHO report
received by the Foreign Minister.
TWO: Copies of all advice as to "what response New Zealand should form in
relation" to the WHO report received by the Foreign Minister.
THREE: An explanation of what "technical experts" or "technicians" were
referred to in the above quotes, including what agency they work for and
what qualifications they have to undertake the analysis.
FOUR: Copies of all communications relating to the analysis between the
Foreign Minister's office and the technical experts and/or their
controlling agency, including the communications tasking them to undertake
the analysis and setting out guidelines for how they should undertake the
analysis; and any progress reports or requests for updates on progress.
FIVE: If in fact no analysis of the WHO report has been completed or no
such analysis or advice has been shared with the Foreign Minister, despite
the publication of MFAT's statement on 16th April, I request an explantion
as to why this plan was abandoned.
Please note that all of the above is for information held by the Foreign
Minister's office. I do not want any part of my request to be transferred
to any other agency.
On 6 July 2021, you were advised that, due to the necessity for further
consultation and review, we will need to extend the time limit for
responding to you by 30 working days.
On 16 August 2021, you were advised a decision had been made to release
information relevant to your request and that the information was in the
final stages of preparation and review. This process is now complete.
Thank you for your patience.
Some portions of the information are withheld under the following sections
of the OIA:
· 6(a): to avoid prejudicing the security or defence
of New Zealand or the international relations of the New Zealand
· 6(b)(i): to protect the passing of information from
another government on a confidential basis;
· 6(b)(ii): to protect the passing of information from
an international organisation on a confidential basis;
· 9(2)(a): to protect
individuals’ privacy;
· 9(2)(ba): to
protect the supply of confidential information by a third party;
· 9(2)(d): to protect
the economic interests of New Zealand;
· 9(2)(g)(i): to
protect the free and frank expression of opinions by departments.
The technical experts referred to in the quotes above were a range of
officials from the Ministry of Health and the Ministry for Primary
Industries who provided expert technical analysis of the origins report on
behalf of the New Zealand Government.
Where the information has been withheld under section 9 of the OIA, no
public interest in releasing the information has been identified that
would override the reasons for withholding it.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of
this decision by contacting [1] or freephone
0800 802 602.
Nāku noa
[2]cid:image002.jpg@01D6B683.B93AFC70 Office of Hon Nanaia Mahuta
Minister of Foreign Affairs |
Minister of Local Government |
Associate Minister for Māori
DDI: +64 4 817 8711
Private Bag 18041, Parliament
Buildings, Wellington 6160, New
Visible links
From: Foreign Affairs Portfolio
Part 2 of 4
Tēnā koe Harold
I refer to your email of 3 June 2021 in which you request the following
under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA):
This is a request for information relating to the government's analysis of
the WHO Covid-19 origins investigation report.
In reference to the following two public statements by the Foreign
#1: To Newshub, 1st April:
"Our technical experts are currently analysing the report. As this is a
scientific report, we want to make sure we understand the science before
making any comment. We will wait until our experts have finished analysing
the report."
#2: To Newshub, 6th April, asked if the analysis was complete:
"Not as yet, and as I have already said publicly, I will wait to take
advice on the content of the report and what response New Zealand should
form in relation to it... We got around about 36 hours notice of the
report, and in terms of making a response, it was my decision to ensure
that we had an informed response. I would much rather, because it is
technical in nature, that we have our technicians having a look at the
contents of the report before we respond."
And a statement responding to the WHO report eventually appeared on the
MFAT website on 16th April.
I request:
ONE: Copies of all analysis or "advice on the content" of the WHO report
received by the Foreign Minister.
TWO: Copies of all advice as to "what response New Zealand should form in
relation" to the WHO report received by the Foreign Minister.
THREE: An explanation of what "technical experts" or "technicians" were
referred to in the above quotes, including what agency they work for and
what qualifications they have to undertake the analysis.
FOUR: Copies of all communications relating to the analysis between the
Foreign Minister's office and the technical experts and/or their
controlling agency, including the communications tasking them to undertake
the analysis and setting out guidelines for how they should undertake the
analysis; and any progress reports or requests for updates on progress.
FIVE: If in fact no analysis of the WHO report has been completed or no
such analysis or advice has been shared with the Foreign Minister, despite
the publication of MFAT's statement on 16th April, I request an explantion
as to why this plan was abandoned.
Please note that all of the above is for information held by the Foreign
Minister's office. I do not want any part of my request to be transferred
to any other agency.
On 6 July 2021, you were advised that, due to the necessity for further
consultation and review, we will need to extend the time limit for
responding to you by 30 working days.
On 16 August 2021, you were advised a decision had been made to release
information relevant to your request and that the information was in the
final stages of preparation and review. This process is now complete.
Thank you for your patience.
Some portions of the information are withheld under the following sections
of the OIA:
· 6(a): to avoid prejudicing the security or defence
of New Zealand or the international relations of the New Zealand
· 6(b)(i): to protect the passing of information from
another government on a confidential basis;
· 6(b)(ii): to protect the passing of information from
an international organisation on a confidential basis;
· 9(2)(a): to protect
individuals’ privacy;
· 9(2)(ba): to
protect the supply of confidential information by a third party;
· 9(2)(d): to protect
the economic interests of New Zealand;
· 9(2)(g)(i): to
protect the free and frank expression of opinions by departments.
The technical experts referred to in the quotes above were a range of
officials from the Ministry of Health and the Ministry for Primary
Industries who provided expert technical analysis of the origins report on
behalf of the New Zealand Government.
Where the information has been withheld under section 9 of the OIA, no
public interest in releasing the information has been identified that
would override the reasons for withholding it.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of
this decision by contacting [1] or freephone
0800 802 602.
Nāku noa
[2]cid:image002.jpg@01D6B683.B93AFC70 Office of Hon Nanaia Mahuta
Minister of Foreign Affairs |
Minister of Local Government |
Associate Minister for Māori
DDI: +64 4 817 8711
Private Bag 18041, Parliament
Buildings, Wellington 6160, New
Visible links
From: Foreign Affairs Portfolio
Part 3 of 4
Tēnā koe Harold
I refer to your email of 3 June 2021 in which you request the following
under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA):
This is a request for information relating to the government's analysis of
the WHO Covid-19 origins investigation report.
In reference to the following two public statements by the Foreign
#1: To Newshub, 1st April:
"Our technical experts are currently analysing the report. As this is a
scientific report, we want to make sure we understand the science before
making any comment. We will wait until our experts have finished analysing
the report."
#2: To Newshub, 6th April, asked if the analysis was complete:
"Not as yet, and as I have already said publicly, I will wait to take
advice on the content of the report and what response New Zealand should
form in relation to it... We got around about 36 hours notice of the
report, and in terms of making a response, it was my decision to ensure
that we had an informed response. I would much rather, because it is
technical in nature, that we have our technicians having a look at the
contents of the report before we respond."
And a statement responding to the WHO report eventually appeared on the
MFAT website on 16th April.
I request:
ONE: Copies of all analysis or "advice on the content" of the WHO report
received by the Foreign Minister.
TWO: Copies of all advice as to "what response New Zealand should form in
relation" to the WHO report received by the Foreign Minister.
THREE: An explanation of what "technical experts" or "technicians" were
referred to in the above quotes, including what agency they work for and
what qualifications they have to undertake the analysis.
FOUR: Copies of all communications relating to the analysis between the
Foreign Minister's office and the technical experts and/or their
controlling agency, including the communications tasking them to undertake
the analysis and setting out guidelines for how they should undertake the
analysis; and any progress reports or requests for updates on progress.
FIVE: If in fact no analysis of the WHO report has been completed or no
such analysis or advice has been shared with the Foreign Minister, despite
the publication of MFAT's statement on 16th April, I request an explantion
as to why this plan was abandoned.
Please note that all of the above is for information held by the Foreign
Minister's office. I do not want any part of my request to be transferred
to any other agency.
On 6 July 2021, you were advised that, due to the necessity for further
consultation and review, we will need to extend the time limit for
responding to you by 30 working days.
On 16 August 2021, you were advised a decision had been made to release
information relevant to your request and that the information was in the
final stages of preparation and review. This process is now complete.
Thank you for your patience.
Some portions of the information are withheld under the following sections
of the OIA:
· 6(a): to avoid prejudicing the security or defence
of New Zealand or the international relations of the New Zealand
· 6(b)(i): to protect the passing of information from
another government on a confidential basis;
· 6(b)(ii): to protect the passing of information from
an international organisation on a confidential basis;
· 9(2)(a): to protect
individuals’ privacy;
· 9(2)(ba): to
protect the supply of confidential information by a third party;
· 9(2)(d): to protect
the economic interests of New Zealand;
· 9(2)(g)(i): to
protect the free and frank expression of opinions by departments.
The technical experts referred to in the quotes above were a range of
officials from the Ministry of Health and the Ministry for Primary
Industries who provided expert technical analysis of the origins report on
behalf of the New Zealand Government.
Where the information has been withheld under section 9 of the OIA, no
public interest in releasing the information has been identified that
would override the reasons for withholding it.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of
this decision by contacting [1] or freephone
0800 802 602.
Nāku noa
[2]cid:image002.jpg@01D6B683.B93AFC70 Office of Hon Nanaia Mahuta
Minister of Foreign Affairs |
Minister of Local Government |
Associate Minister for Māori
DDI: +64 4 817 8711
Private Bag 18041, Parliament
Buildings, Wellington 6160, New
Visible links
From: Foreign Affairs Portfolio
Part 4 of 4. Please confirm you have received all four parts.
Tēnā koe Harold
I refer to your email of 3 June 2021 in which you request the following
under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA):
This is a request for information relating to the government's analysis of
the WHO Covid-19 origins investigation report.
In reference to the following two public statements by the Foreign
#1: To Newshub, 1st April:
"Our technical experts are currently analysing the report. As this is a
scientific report, we want to make sure we understand the science before
making any comment. We will wait until our experts have finished analysing
the report."
#2: To Newshub, 6th April, asked if the analysis was complete:
"Not as yet, and as I have already said publicly, I will wait to take
advice on the content of the report and what response New Zealand should
form in relation to it... We got around about 36 hours notice of the
report, and in terms of making a response, it was my decision to ensure
that we had an informed response. I would much rather, because it is
technical in nature, that we have our technicians having a look at the
contents of the report before we respond."
And a statement responding to the WHO report eventually appeared on the
MFAT website on 16th April.
I request:
ONE: Copies of all analysis or "advice on the content" of the WHO report
received by the Foreign Minister.
TWO: Copies of all advice as to "what response New Zealand should form in
relation" to the WHO report received by the Foreign Minister.
THREE: An explanation of what "technical experts" or "technicians" were
referred to in the above quotes, including what agency they work for and
what qualifications they have to undertake the analysis.
FOUR: Copies of all communications relating to the analysis between the
Foreign Minister's office and the technical experts and/or their
controlling agency, including the communications tasking them to undertake
the analysis and setting out guidelines for how they should undertake the
analysis; and any progress reports or requests for updates on progress.
FIVE: If in fact no analysis of the WHO report has been completed or no
such analysis or advice has been shared with the Foreign Minister, despite
the publication of MFAT's statement on 16th April, I request an explantion
as to why this plan was abandoned.
Please note that all of the above is for information held by the Foreign
Minister's office. I do not want any part of my request to be transferred
to any other agency.
On 6 July 2021, you were advised that, due to the necessity for further
consultation and review, we will need to extend the time limit for
responding to you by 30 working days.
On 16 August 2021, you were advised a decision had been made to release
information relevant to your request and that the information was in the
final stages of preparation and review. This process is now complete.
Thank you for your patience.
Some portions of the information are withheld under the following sections
of the OIA:
· 6(a): to avoid prejudicing the security or defence
of New Zealand or the international relations of the New Zealand
· 6(b)(i): to protect the passing of information from
another government on a confidential basis;
· 6(b)(ii): to protect the passing of information from
an international organisation on a confidential basis;
· 9(2)(a): to protect
individuals’ privacy;
· 9(2)(ba): to
protect the supply of confidential information by a third party;
· 9(2)(d): to protect
the economic interests of New Zealand;
· 9(2)(g)(i): to
protect the free and frank expression of opinions by departments.
The technical experts referred to in the quotes above were a range of
officials from the Ministry of Health and the Ministry for Primary
Industries who provided expert technical analysis of the origins report on
behalf of the New Zealand Government.
Where the information has been withheld under section 9 of the OIA, no
public interest in releasing the information has been identified that
would override the reasons for withholding it.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of
this decision by contacting [1] or freephone
0800 802 602.
Nāku noa
[2]cid:image002.jpg@01D6B683.B93AFC70 Office of Hon Nanaia Mahuta
Minister of Foreign Affairs |
Minister of Local Government |
Associate Minister for Māori
DDI: +64 4 817 8711
Private Bag 18041, Parliament
Buildings, Wellington 6160, New
Visible links
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence