The number of PhD students who failed their viva voce in 2020, 2019, and 2018.
Morteza made this Official Information request to University of Waikato
The request was successful.
From: Morteza
Dear University of Waikato,
Under the Official Information Act, I am making the following request as a person who is in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Please let me know how many PhD candidates at the University of Waikato received an outright failure (no degree awarded) as the outcome of their oral examination in 2020, 2019, and 2018 respectively.
I trust my query is clear.
Please acknowledge receipt of this message.
Yours faithfully,
From: OIA Admin
University of Waikato
Dear Morteza
We acknowledge receipt of your official information request and will be in
touch with a response in due course.
OIA Admin
University of Waikato
Private Bag 3105 | Hamilton 3240 | New
[1]University of Waikato
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From: Morteza
Dear OIA Admin,
You must be aware that your response to my request is overdue.
Please immediately update me upon receipt of this message.
Yours faithfully,
From: Morteza
Dear University of Waikato,
Please be advised that a formal complaint has been submitted to the Ombudsman Office as you have apparently failed to meet your statutory obligations under the Official Information Act 1982, without providing any reasons whatsoever.
Yours faithfully,
From: OIA Admin
University of Waikato
Kia ora Morteza
Please find attached information in regard to your official information
Nga mihi
University of Waikato
Private Bag 3105 | Hamilton 3240 | New
[1]University of Waikato
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Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
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