Legal expenses incurred

Ben Moore made this Official Information request to Toka Tū Ake – Natural Hazards Commission

The request was successful.

From: Ben Moore

Dear Earthquake Commission,

I am interested in ascertaining the cost of external legal advice received by your organisation over the past five years.

Ideally I would like to receive this data as a table or spreadsheet dividing the expenses per month and business purpose, and including data on both amount invoiced and the amount paid (or yet to be paid).

I am particularly interested in the costs of legal advice and representation incurred by your organisation in direct relation to the Canterbury Earthquake e.g. where above I specify a business purpose, a distinction between 'BAU', 'Canterbury Earthquake', 'other operational' etc would be suitable.

I am not asking for a breakdown on a case by case basis, the cost of legal advice on a particular issue, or anything else which could be considered commercially sensitive or legally privileged.

Yours faithfully,

Ben Moore

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From: Official Information Act Requests

Dear Mr Moore,


On 19 November 2013 EQC received the following request from you:


     “I am interested in ascertaining the cost of external legal advice

     received by your organisation over the past five years.


     Ideally I would like to receive this data as a table or spreadsheet

     dividing the expenses per month and business purpose, and including

     data on both amount invoiced and the amount paid (or yet to be



     I am particularly interested in the costs of legal advice and

     representation incurred by your organisation in direct relation to

     the Canterbury Earthquake e.g. where above I specify a business

     purpose, a distinction between 'BAU', 'Canterbury

     Earthquake', 'other operational' etc would be suitable.


     I am not asking for a breakdown on a case by case basis, the cost

     of legal advice on a particular issue, or anything else which could

     be considered commercially sensitive or legally privileged.”


EQC is working on this request but requires an extension to the timeframe
to finalise the information to be released as per section 15A(1)(b) of the
Official Information Act 1982.  You will receive a response by 28 February


You have the option of approaching the Office of the Ombudsman for a
review of EQC’s decisions and/or processes relating to your enquiry. The
Ombudsman can be contacted at PO Box 10 152, Wellington 6143, or on
Freephone 0800 802 602, or visit


Kind regards,


Morgan Coats | Acting OIA Coordinator | Technical and Statutory
Complaints Team

The Earthquake Commission (EQC)






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From: Official Information Act Requests

Attachment Official Information Act Response.pdf
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Dear Mr Moore,


Please find attached EQC’s response to your request for information.


Kind regards,


Morgan Coats | High-Level OIA Coordinator | Technical and Statutory
Complaints Team

The Earthquake Commission (EQC)



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Things to do with this request

Toka Tū Ake – Natural Hazards Commission only: