Employment equity for Maori women in public sector

Tania Te Whenua made this Official Information request to Ministry of Māori Development

The request was refused by Ministry of Māori Development.

From: Tania Te Whenua

Dear Ministry of Māori Development,

Over the past three years:

a) How many Maori women (and what percentage of the total number of applicants) applied for Tier 2 roles or above?

b) How many Maori women (and what percentage of the total number of successful applicants) were successfully appointed to the jobs which they applied for at Tier 2 or above?

This question is being asked of all public sector departments.

Yours faithfully,

Tania Te Whenua

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From: Mailbox - TPK Info
Ministry of Māori Development

Nau mai, haere mai


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Ngā mihi, nā Communications Team


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Tēnā koe

Thank you for your Official Information Act request. This is an automatic reply to let you know we received it.

In accordance with the Act, we'll let you know our decision within no more than 20 working days. If you'd like to calculate the timeframe, you can use the Ombudsman's online calculator here: http://www.ombudsman.parliament.nz/

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From: Madeline Smith
Ministry of Māori Development

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Attachment Letter to Tania Te Whenua OIA ref 41424.pdf
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Tēnā koe Tania


Thank you for your information request below. Attached please find a
letter of response from Te Puni Kōkiri.


Ngā mihi





| Tauwaea DDI : +64 4 819 6254 | |
| Waea Pūkoro M : +64 27 298 5141 |
| Waea Whakaahua F : 0800 875 329 |
| Madeline Smith Te Puni Kōkiri, Te Puni Kōkiri |
| Senior Advisor | Kaitohu Tōmua House, 143 Lambton Quay, |
|  National Office     Wellington 6011, New Zealand |
|   PO Box 3943, Wellington 6140, New |
| [1]sign-tpklogo Zealand |
| [2]sign-tpkwebsite  [3]Te Puni |
| Kōkiri Website    [4]sign-kokiri  |
| [5]Kōkiri Magazine    |
| [6]sign-facebook  [7]Facebook |




-----Original Message-----

From: Tania Te Whenua <[8][FOI #12748 email]>

Sent: Friday, 1 May 2020 1:00 pm

To: Mailbox - TPK Info <[9][email address]>

Subject: Official Information request - Employment equity for Maori women
in public sector


Dear Ministry of Māori Development,


Over the past three years:


a) How many Maori women (and what percentage of the total number of
applicants) applied for Tier 2 roles or above?


b) How many Maori women (and what percentage of the total number of
successful applicants) were successfully appointed to the jobs which they
applied for at Tier 2 or above?


This question is being asked of all public sector departments.


Yours faithfully,


Tania Te Whenua




This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[10][FOI #12748 email]


Is [11][TPK request email] the wrong address for Official Information
requests to Ministry of Māori Development? If so, please contact us using
this form:



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The views expressed in this email and any accompanying attachments do not
necessarily reflect those of Te Puni Kokiri. Te Puni Kokiri does not
accept any responsibility whatsoever for any loss or damage that may
result from reliance on or the use of the information contained in this
email or any accompanying attachments.

This email together with any accompanying attachments may be confidential
and subject to legal privilege. It may be read, copied and used only by
the intended recipient(s). If you have received this message in error,
please notify the sender immediately by return email, telephone or
facsimile and delete this message. You may not copy, disclose or use the
contents in any way. Thank you.


Visible links
3. http://www.tpk.govt.nz/
5. http://www.tpk.govt.nz/en/mo-te-puni-kok...
7. https://www.facebook.com/tepunikokiri/
8. mailto:[FOI #12748 email]
9. mailto:[email address]
10. mailto:[FOI #12748 email]
11. mailto:[TPK request email]
12. https://fyi.org.nz/change_request/new?bo...
13. https://fyi.org.nz/help/officers

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Things to do with this request

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