Number of redundancies

David made this Official Information request to University of Otago

The request is waiting for clarification. If you are David, please sign in to send a follow up message.

From: David

Dear University of Otago,

- how many total staff have been made redundant (incl voluntary) on an annual basis over the past decade?
- how many of these were general staff and how many were academic staff?
- what is the total cost of redundancy payments during this period?
- please provide any briefings, reports or advice that was attached to decisions to initiate redundancies

Yours faithfully,


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From: David

Dear University of Otago,

I am still awaiting an acknowledgement/response - an update would be appreciated.

Yours faithfully,


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From: Kevin Seales
University of Otago

Attachment Redundancy since 2010.xlsx
11K Download View as HTML

Dear David


Attached is a spreadsheet which provides the information relating to the
first three bullet points of your request.


With regards to the last bullet point: it will require significant
research and collation to locate all of the briefings, reports and advice
related to these change processes and we will need to refuse the request
on those grounds.  Prior to confirming our decision I would like to
provide you with the opportunity to modify your request so that is is more
easily achievable, for example was there anthing specific you were looking


I am happy to discuss if that would be helpful.






Kevin Seales
Human Resources Director

Registry/Clocktower Building

University of Otago
PO Box 56
Dunedin 9054

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CAUTION: This e-mail and any attachment(s) contain information that is
both confidential and possibly legally privileged. Any opinion, advice or
information contained in this e-mail and any attachment(s) is to be
treated only for the purpose of the intended recipient.




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1. mailto:[email address]

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Things to do with this request

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