Total Number of PGY1 House Officer Jobs Advertised Solely for NZREX Graduates (2014 - 2020)
Mohammed A M made this Official Information request to Waitemata District Health Board
This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Mohammed A M to read a recent response and update the status.
From: Mohammed A M
Dear Waitemata District Health Board,
Based on the Official Information Act, Could you please provide me with the following:
- the total number of PGY 1 house officers positions advertised solely for NZREX graduates (2014 - 2020).
Please break down the data by year (e.g., 2014 = XX, 2015 = XX, etc)
Yours faithfully,
Mohammed A M
From: Matthew Rogers (WDHB)
Waitemata District Health Board
I am on annual leave, returning 3 February. Please direct any urgent
matters to the Media Line on 09 487 1276 or extn 45776. Your call will
divert to the communications advisor currently on-call.
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From: Mohammed A M
Dear Matthew Rogers (WDHB),
Further to my OIA request, could please provide me with the total number of hired doctors by year (2014 - 2019).
Yours sincerely,
Mohammed A M
From: Denise Poole (WDHB)
Waitemata District Health Board
Dear Mohammad,
Thank you for your Official Information Act request, received on 28 December 2019. Please be aware that the OIA system is on-hold nationally between COB 24 December 2019 and 15 January 2020.
We will provide a formal response to your request within the 20 working days allowed under the Act.
If for any reason we are unable to meet the deadline and need to extend the timeframe for your response, we will be in touch to advise why this has been necessary and to indicate when your response will be ready.
Please note that Waitematâ DHB, like other agencies across the state sector, supports the open disclosure of information to assist the public’s understanding of how we are delivering publicly-funded healthcare. This includes the proactive publication of anonymised Official Information Act responses on our website from 10 working days after they have been released.
If you feel that there are good reasons why your response should not be made publicly available, we will be happy to consider this.
Denise Poole I Official Information Act Manager
Communications I Waitematâ DHB
Level 2, 15 Shea Terrace, Takapuna
Private Bag 93-503, North Shore 0740
ddi: 09 4846194 | m: 021 198 0623
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From: Anna Monastra (WDHB)
Waitemata District Health Board
Dear Mohammed
Please see the attached Waitematā DHB response to your recent Official
Information Act request regarding PGY 1 House Officer positions.
Anna Monastra I Senior Administration Assistant
Communications I Waitematā DHB
Level 2, 15 Shea Terrace, Private Bag 93-503, North Shore 0740
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