Climate efforts

Jeremy Puger made this Official Information request to Inland Revenue Department

The request was partially successful.

From: Jeremy Puger

Dear Inland Revenue Department,


I will be making this request of all major government departments. I am starting with five in the first instance so that their answers will help me to refine my questions going forward.

I am seeking information for the last five years about government activity that relates to climate change. I am wanting to find out for each year:

Air Travel

(please do domestic and international air travel separately)

A). How many of your staff has travelled by air (obviously with all of these I mean where the agency has paid for it) and how many the total flights were and how much it cost all up.

B). What was the purpose and benefit to the taxpayer of each trip

C). For each trip why was a remote alternative not used? Like for conferences a lot of them have remote viewing dial ins so you don’t have to travel to attend. Meetings can usually be done by conference call or skype. Things like that. So there are very few situations where staff would actually have to travel by air. So in cases where you have could you explain if there was no remote alternative available? And if there was why was it not used?

D). When staff are travelling there are extra expenses too. How much has been spent on accommodation and for how many people and nights in these times too?

E). As per D but how much on other expenses like meals and allowances?

F). Do staff of different jobs/ranks/levels get different types or levels of accommodation. If so can you explain why?

G). Going into the future do you have plans to reduce air travel? If you do could you explain these plans and if you have set any targets for it and things

Packaging and Recycling

A). Do you have recycling facilities in all of your premises? If you do not please explain why

B). Do you actively encourage or make your staff recycle? If you do please explain how

C). Do you have rules aimed at encouraging other staff environmentally friendly behaviour such as banning staff from bringing disposable cups onto the premises?

D). If you have cafes or similar things in your premises do you require them to use environmentally healthy options such a re usable cutlery and recyclable packaging?

Encouraging Good Behaviour and Attunement with the natural world

A). Do all of your offices have plants? If so, what is the ratio of plants to workers? Do you ensure that providers that look after the plants use sustainable and environmentally friendly options in their practices (for example pesticide choices)?

B). Do you have programmes for encouraging your staff to make more environmentally friendly choices outside of work?

C). Do you encourage your staff to be more interconnected with the natural world by hosting or promoting practices such as mindfulness, meditation, earthing or Tai Chi?

E). Do you take any steps to increase staff knowledge and awareness of environmental issues in general?

Yours faithfully,

Jeremy Puger

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From: oia
Inland Revenue Department


Good morning

Thank you for your request made under the Official Information Act 1982. We will respond to your request within 20 working days from the date of receipt.

Kind regards,

Government & Executive Services

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From: oia
Inland Revenue Department


Dear Mr Puger

Thank you for your request, made under the Official Information Act (the Act), for information on Inland Revenue's climate efforts.

You requested information for the last five years about government activity that relates to climate change.

We have determined that we will be able to respond to your questions for the 17/18 and 18/19 fiscal years.

For the period prior to the 17/18 fiscal year, providing this information would involve substantive manual effort and the accuracy of the information would be considerably affected by the passage of time. For these years, it is likely that it will be necessary to decline you request under section 18(f) of the Act, on the basis that it would require substantial collation and research to provide the information requested.

Could you please advise if you would like to refine your request to cover just the 17/18 - 18/19 fiscal years by Friday 18 October.

Kind regards,
Government & Executive Services

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From: oia
Inland Revenue Department

Attachment 20OIA1108 signed extension Puger.pdf
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Good morning Mr Puger

Please find attached an extension letter for your recent Official Information Act request, sent on behalf of Catherine Simpson, Acting Manager, Government & Executive Services.

Kind regards

Government & Executive Services

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From: oia
Inland Revenue Department

Attachment 20OIA1108 signed response Puger.pdf
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Good Afternoon Mr Puger

Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request, on behalf of Simon Mason, Acting Deputy Commissioner, Corporate Integrity & Assurance.

Kind Regards

Government & Executive Services

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Things to do with this request

Inland Revenue Department only: