Dealings with New Zealand Police

Jo made this Official Information request to Privacy Commissioner

The request was successful.

From: Jo

Dear Privacy Commissioner,

I have had a number of dealings with the New Zealand Police over the course of this year. Sadly, these dealings have given me zero confidence in the Police and their ability to adhere to the basic principles of the Privacy Act 1993. Particular issues include woeful attempts by Police to prepare statements and notes of interview with a defendant for initial disclosure as well as a number of instances where Police Officers are (totally outside their functions) providing incorrect advice to agencies and individuals about their Privacy Rights.

Under the OIA I would like to know how many complaints have been made to your office about the actions of New Zealand Police, how many times it has been determined that the New Zealand Police have interfered with the Privacy of an individual and I would also like copies of general correspondence from your office to the New Zealand Police raising any concerns your office holds about the privacy practices of NZ Police. To make it clear, the last of the three requests made above should relate to correspondence initiated by your office (if any), not correspondence related to specific complaints that your office is or has been dealing with.

With regards to the three requests above, I would like this information for the period Jan 2014 - Present. However, if your agency is able to assist with specific dates, I am more interested in the specific period that Michael Flahive has been in the role of Privacy Officer with NZ Police. As he was a former employee of your office, you might be able to assist in narrowing the scope of this request.

Yours faithfully,


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From: Enquiries
Privacy Commissioner

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Dear Jo,


This is to acknowledge receipt of your information request. We will
respond to your request as soon as possible. In the meantime you may wish
to view [1]page 12 of our 2018 annual report which includes statistics on
complaints we received about Police between 2015 to 2018. You can also
search our website for [2]case notes on investigations we have conducted
into complaints concerning Police.




Kateya Mbita

Assistant Investigator


Office of the Privacy Commissioner  Te Mana Mâtâpono Matatapu
PO Box 10094, The Terrace, Wellington 6143

Level 8, 109 Featherston Street, Wellington, New Zealand 





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-----Original Message-----
From: Jo <[FOI #10606 email]>
Sent: Tuesday, 25 June 2019 9:32 PM
To: Enquiries <[Privacy Commissioner request email]>
Subject: Official Information request - Dealings with New Zealand Police


Dear Privacy Commissioner,


I have had a number of dealings with the New Zealand Police over the
course of this year. Sadly, these dealings have given me zero confidence
in the Police and their ability to adhere to the basic principles of the
Privacy Act 1993. Particular issues include woeful attempts by Police to
prepare statements and notes of interview with a defendant for initial
disclosure as well as a number of instances where Police Officers are
(totally outside their functions) providing incorrect advice to agencies
and individuals about their Privacy Rights.


Under the OIA I would like to know how many complaints have been made to
your office about the actions of New Zealand Police, how many times it has
been determined that the New Zealand Police have interfered with the
Privacy of an individual and I would also like copies of general
correspondence from your office to the New Zealand Police raising any
concerns your office holds about the privacy practices of NZ Police. To
make it clear, the last of the three requests made above should relate to
correspondence initiated by your office (if any), not correspondence
related to specific complaints that your office is or has been dealing


With regards to the three requests above, I would like this information
for the period Jan 2014 - Present. However, if your agency is able to
assist with specific dates, I am more interested in the specific period
that Michael Flahive has been in the role of Privacy Officer with NZ
Police. As he was a former employee of your office, you might be able to
assist in narrowing the scope of this request.


Yours faithfully,






This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.


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From: Sharyn Leonard
Privacy Commissioner

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Attachment 2019 07 22 response to request.pdf
141K Download View as HTML

Kia ora


Please find attached the Privacy Commissioner’s response to your official
information request.







Sharyn Leonard

Executive Assistant (Legal)


Office of the Privacy Commissioner  Te Mana Mâtâpono Matatapu
PO Box 10094, The Terrace, Wellington 6143

Level 8, 109 Featherston Street, Wellington, New Zealand

E    [1][email address] 


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Amy S Van Wey Lovatt (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

I note that Privacy Commissioner Edwards stated in his response that the PC does not keep track of named agencies. This is clearly inaccurate. Their electronic system stores the name of every agency complained against. They also have a policy on naming agencies and individuals which can be accessed on the PC website.

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Things to do with this request

Privacy Commissioner only: