Use of examination powers

Alex Harris made this Official Information request to Toka Tū Ake – Natural Hazards Commission

The request was successful.

From: Alex Harris

Dear Earthquake Commission,

Section 32 of the Earthquake Commission Act 1993 grants search powers to the Earthquake Commission, allowing them to obtain information and documents and enter property. I would like to request the following information under the OIA:

* How many times in the last five years did EQC exercise their powers under section 32 to obtain information or documents?
* How many times in the last five years did EQC exercise their powers under section 32 to enter property?
* How many times in the last five years did EQC exercise their powers under section 34 to obtain a warrant authorising entry?

I would like a breakdown by year if available. In the event that a five year period would require substantial collation and research, I am willing to negotiate a shorter one.

I would prefer to receive an electronic response. Queries about this request will be automatically forwarded to me by the website.

With regards to s12 of the OIA, I am an NZ citizen and in NZ.

Yours faithfully,

Alex Harris

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From: EQC Info Mailbox

Dear Alex,


Thank you for contacting the Earthquake Commission (EQC).


Official Information request - Use of examination powers

I confirm that your request for information has been received and
forwarded for the attention of the appropriate team.


You will receive a response to your request within 20 working days of 06
June 2019.


Further Information

If you require more information, please visit [1]  or phone
0800 DAMAGE (0800 326 243) between 7am-9pm Monday-Friday and 9am-5pm on


Please ensure you include your claim number when you enquire.


Yours sincerely


Graham Hughes| Customer Service Consultant | Operations Group |

Earthquake Commission | Kōmihana Rūwhenua

0800 DAMAGE | [2][EQC request email] | Christchurch






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From: Ministerial Services Team

Attachment image001.jpg
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Dear Alex Harris,


Thank you for your request for information received on 10 Jun 2019. You
requested the following of the Earthquake Commission (EQC):


‘* How many times in the last five years did EQC exercise their powers
under section 32 to obtain information or documents?

* How many times in the last five years did EQC exercise their powers
under section 32 to enter property?

* How many times in the last five years did EQC exercise their powers
under section 34 to obtain a warrant authorising entry?’


Your request is being considered under the Official Information Act 1982.
You will receive a response by 8 July 2019, subject to EQC’s right under
section 15A of the Official Information Act to extend the timeframe for
responding to your request in certain circumstances.


Please note we may choose to publish our response to your request on the
EQC website. Our letter notifying you of our decision on your request will
also confirm if we intend to publish the response letter (with your
personal information removed) and any related documents.


Yours sincerely,



Katie Greene | Team Administrator | Government Relations | Risk &

Earthquake Commission | Kômihana Rûwhenua
DDI: 04 830 6104 | EXT: 9916 | Wellington


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Visible links

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From: Ministerial Services Team

Attachment image001.jpg
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Attachment Information response.pdf
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Dear Alex


Please find attached EQC’s response to your request for information.


Kind regards


Bradley Martin | Advisor | Government Relations, Communications &

Earthquake Commission | Kômihana Rûwhenua






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Visible links

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Things to do with this request

Toka Tū Ake – Natural Hazards Commission only: