Warrants to spy on Jon Stephenson

Peter Graham made this Official Information request to Minister Responsible for the GCSB

The request was refused by Minister Responsible for the GCSB.

From: Peter Graham

To the Minister Responsible for the GCSB and the Minister Responsible for the NZSIS,

This morning Fairfax reported that Defence Force personnel had access to phone records of journalist Jon Stephenson without Mr Stephenson's permission. Have you signed a warrant to allow either the GCSB or the SIS to intercept Jon Stephenson's phone calls or otherwise collect information on his phone calls? Since it is now public knowledge that the Defence Force has these records there can be no harm in revealing where they came from.

Yours faithfully,

Peter Graham

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From: J Key (MIN)
Minister Responsible for the GCSB

On behalf of the Prime Minister, Rt Hon John Key, thank you for your


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Yours sincerely

The Office of the Prime Minister



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From: Sarah Boyle

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