Does the victim of a crime pay the police Informant.?

Molly10 made this Official Information request to Stuart Nash

Stuart Nash did not have the information requested.

From: Molly10

Dear Stuart Nash,

Could you please advise me if the victim of a Robbery has to pay the Police informant to get their stolen goods back.?
My friend I wish to not Name for security and privacy purposes has just paid into a account given to her by police a amount of money for them to pay their informant to get her stolen goods back.

Yours faithfully,

I wish not to use my name for safely purposes.

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From: S Nash (MIN)
Stuart Nash

Attachment image001.png
26K Download

Thank you for contacting Hon Stuart Nash, Minister of Police, Revenue,
Fisheries and for Small Business, and MP for Napier.

If your email is regarding a Napier issue or invitation, please resend to
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Stuart considers all correspondence to be important.   If your email falls
outside of his portfolio responsibilities, expresses a personal view, or
is copied to multiple Members of Parliament, then your opinion will be
noted and your correspondence may be transferred to another office, or
there may be no further response to you.

 Kind regards

 Hon Stuart Nash LLM, MMgt, MForSc

Minister of Police, Revenue, Fisheries and for Small Business

MP for Napier

Private Bag 18 888, Parliament Buildings | Wellington | New Zealand

ph [2]+64 4 817 8712




 Authorised by Hon Stuart Nash, Parliament Buildings, Wellington

 Disclaimer: The information in this email (including attachments) is
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Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. file:///tmp/tel:+64%204-817%208712

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From: Jason Smith

Dear Molly10

Thank you for your correspondence of 10 April 2019 to the Minister of Police, Hon Stuart Nash. You are concerned that a friend has been asked to pay a Police informant in order to get their stolen goods back.

The information you request is not held by the Minister of Police but it believed to be more closely associated with the functions of New Zealand Police. I am therefore transferring your email to Police for their consideration.

Ngā mihi

Jason Smith
Private Secretary (Police)
Office of Hon Stuart Nash, Minister of Police
Executive Wing | Parliament Buildings | Wellington 6010
E [email address]

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Things to do with this request

Stuart Nash only: