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13 Official Information requests found

APHG & Saliva Tests
Response by Ministry of Health to Matthew Hooton on .
Information not held.
Kia ora Matthew   Please find attached a letter regarding your request for information   Ngā mihi     OIA Services  Government Services ...
Kia ora Matthew   Please find attached the Ministry of Transport’s response to your OIA request of 5 June 2021.   Ngâ mihi   Anita Waring...
Swiss system of local government
Response by Nanaia Mahuta to Matthew Hooton on .
Tēnā koe Matthew Please find attached response to your Official Information Act request regarding information, reports or advice, as Minister of Local...
Kia ora Please find attached a letter regarding your request for information. Ngā mihi OIA Services Government Services Office of the Director-...
Letter from Deputy Prime Minister on Covid-19 Response
Response by Jacinda Ardern to Matthew Hooton on .
Information not held.
Dear Matthew Hooton   On behalf of Raj Nahna, I attach a letter in response to your request received on 1 September 2020.   Yours sincerely...
Covid-19 testing of asymptomatic people in South & West Auckland
Response by Ministry of Health to Matthew Hooton on .
Information not held.
Kia ora Matthew Please find attached the Ministry's response to your request for official information. Kind regards OIA Services Government Ser...
Dear Deputy Prime Minister The NZ Herald has reported that you "pushed for the army to be called in, masks to be worn and independent oversight of t...
Comms with commentators
Request sent to Shane Jones by Barry Garrick on .
Under the OIA, I would like to request any correspondence and communications (including but not limited to emails, txt messages, messages through ap...
Dear Mr Hooton     Please see attached your OIA response 1136657, 1136656, 1136655       Thanks   Enquiries National Team | Ministry...
Visits to Schools
Response by Chris Hipkins to Matthew Hooton on .
Dear Matthew Please find attached Response to your OIA request. Yours sincerely, Olivia Funaki | Private Secretary - Administration (Education) | Of...
Dear Matthew Hooton Thank you for your request for information below. The Ministry will consider and respond to your request in accordance with the...
Communications strategy
Response by Jacinda Ardern to Matthew Hooton on .
Dear Mr Hooton   On behalf of Mike Munro, I attach a letter in response to your OIA request received on 11^th April 2018.   Yours sincerely...
Cost of Unitec land purchase
Response by Phil Twyford to Matthew Hooton on .
Hello Mr Hooton,   Please find attached a letter from Minister Twyford in response to your OIA request of 26 March.   Kind regards,   Offi...