University of Otago
A public authority
872 requests
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LAWS467 Grade Distribution Spread
Response by University of Otago to AM on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora AM, please find attached the University of Otago's response to your Official Information Act request dated 14 December 2023.
Ngā mihi
LAWS300& LAWS400 Grade Spread (Semester 2, 2023)
Response by University of Otago to Seth on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora S, please find attached the University of Otago's response to your Official Information Act request dated 24 November 2023.
Ngā mihi
Tēnā koe Alex
Please see attached the University of Otago's response to your Official Information Act request dated 25 November 2023 (and clarified 28...
Tēnā koe Alex
Please see attached the University of Otago's response to your Official Information Act request dated 25 November 2023.
Ngā mihi
Grade distribution for ECON112 2023
Response by University of Otago to ZC on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe ZC,
Please find attached the University of Otago's response to your Official Information Act request.
Ngā mihi,
Jo Pearson
Official In...
2024 BDS entry academic score requirements for HSFY General Category students
Response by University of Otago to Mar on .
Kia ora Mar, please find attached the University of Otago's response to your Official Information Act dated 24 November 2023.
Ngā mihi
Jenny S...
Tēnā koe AM
Please see attached the University of Otago's response to your Official Information Act request dated 18 September 2023.
Ngā mihi
Tēnā koe AM
Please see attached the University of Otago's response to your Official Information Act request dated 30 October 2023.
Ngā mihi
International student entry for BDS and MBChB
Response by University of Otago to Yang on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Yang
Thank you for your patience. Please see attached the University of Otago's response to your Official Information Act request dated 9 Nov...
Grade distribution semester 2 2023
Response by University of Otago to Mr. A Thompson on .
Information not held.
Kia ora Albert, please find attached the University of Otago's response to your Official Information Act request dated 29 November 2023.
Ngā mihi
2023 300-level ECON and POLS Grade Distributions
Response by University of Otago to James on .
Kia ora James, please find attached the University of Otago's response to your Official Information Act request dated 16 November 2023.
Ngā mihi
Work in business school level 2
Response by University of Otago to John Miller on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe John
Please see attached the University of Otago's response to your Official Information Act request dated 14 November 2023.
Ngā mihi
Tēnā koe R,
Please find attached the University of Otago's response to your Official Information Act request.
Ngā mihi,
Jo Pearson
Official Inf...
Math/Physics grades 2023 S2
Response by University of Otago to William on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe William,
Please see attached the University of Otago's response to your Official Information Act request.
Ngā mihi,
Jo Pearson
Tēnā koe MG,
Please see attached the University of Otago's response to your Official Information Act request.
Ngā mihi,
Jo Pearson
Official Inf...
Grade Distribution of MICR and FOSC Papers S2 2023
Response by University of Otago to Lars Davis on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Lars,
Please find attached the University of Otago's response to your Official Information Act request.
Ngā mihi,
Jo Pearson
Tēnā koe William,
Thank you very much for your patience. All student grades for the Semester 1 PHSI341 paper have now been finalised. Please see attac...
Law and Finance Majors GPA
Response by University of Otago to Thomas Miller on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Thomas, please find attached the University of Otago's response to your Official Information Act request dated 25 November 2023.
Ngā mihi
GPA distributions of certain science programs
Response by University of Otago to RC on .
Kia ora RC, please find attached the University of Otago's response to your Official Information Act request dated 26 November 2023.
Ngā mihi
Summer school grade distributions
Response by University of Otago to Robert Speed on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe RS,
Please find attached the University of Otago's response to your Official Information Act request.
Ngā mihi,
Jo Pearson
Official In...
Kia ora R, please find attached the University of Otago's response to your Official Information Act request dated 24 November 2023.
Ngā mihi
Graduate General Entry - 2024 Admissions
Response by University of Otago to Friz on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora FC, please find attached the University of Otago's response to your Official Information Act request dated 15 November 2023.
Ngā mihi
Kia ora Sarah, please find attached the University of Otago's response to your Official Information Act request dated 21 November 2023.
Ngā mihi
Kia ora R, please find attached the University of Otago's response to your Official Information Act request dated 2 April 2023.
Ngā mihi
2024 Commencing MbChb UCAT threshold
Response by University of Otago to Alex C. on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Alex
Please see attached the University of Otago's response to your Official Information Act request dated 25 November 2023.
Ngā mihi
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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