Nanaia Mahuta
An agency that no longer exists or person who no longer holds office
Portfolios and other responsibilities:
- Minister of Foreign Affairs;
- Minister for Disarmament and Arms Control;
- Associate Minister for Māori Development.
This person has multiple portfolios. If possible it is recommended to specify in your request which portfolio(s) your request relates to.
Portfolios and responsibilities previously held:
- Minister of Local Government;
- Minister for Māori Development;
- Associate Minister for the Environment;
- Associate Minister of Housing (Māori Housing);
- Associate Minister for Trade and Export Growth.
This authority no longer exists, so you cannot make a request to it.
53 requests
- all requests
- successful requests
- unsuccessful requests
- unresolved requests
Tçnâ koe,
On behalf of Hon Nanaia Mahuta, thank you for your email. Please accept
this as acknowledgement that your email has been received by my o...
Information pertaining to the WHO, WEF, International Criminal Court and Bill Gates
Response by Nanaia Mahuta to S Robinson on .
Unusual response.
Tçnâ koe Shaun Robinson
Thank you for your emails of 13 May 2022 and 15 May 2022 in which you
request the following under the Official Information A...
Knowledge of potential criminal activity by government employees
Follow up sent to Nanaia Mahuta by Canterbury Victim on .
Long overdue.
The Minister’s response refers to Hon Dr David Clark as being a more appropriate Minister for responding to the requests for official information....
Appointment of Rt Hon Trevor Mallard as ambassador to Ireland
Response by Nanaia Mahuta to Harry Peterson on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Harry Peterson
Please find attached a letter from Hon Nanaia Mahuta, Minister of Foreign
Affairs, regarding your OIA request of 13 Septe...
Arrest of Cardinal Zen in Hong Kong
Response by Nanaia Mahuta to Chuck Schooner (Account suspended) on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Chuck Schooner
Please find attached a response from the Minister of Foreign Affairs to
your email of 12 May.
Ngā mihi
NZ government support for the murder of Shireen Abu Akleh and the attack on her funeral
Response by Nanaia Mahuta to Mohammed Khan on .
Long overdue.
Thank you for contacting the office of Hon Nanaia Mahuta, Minister of
Foreign Affairs.
Minister Mahuta receives a significant volume of corresponden...
Tēnā koe Luke
Please find attached a letter from the Department of Internal Affairs
responding to your request of 15 March 2022.
Nāku noa, nā...
Signed UN Migration Compact document
Awaiting classification.
It was online all this time!
Tena Koe
Thank you for your email. It has been noted.
Ngā mihi
Request for documentation on SBSTTA24 synthetic biology and gene drive meetings
Response by Nanaia Mahuta to Jon Muller on .
Awaiting classification.
Thank you for contacting the office of Hon Nanaia Mahuta, Minister of
Foreign Affairs, Minister of Local Government, and Associate Minister for
Whanau Ora Commissioning Agency Accountability
Response by Nanaia Mahuta to S. Paurini on .
Long overdue.
Thank you for your email. Due to the high volume of enquiries at this
time, my team will be triaging issues related to COVID19 in the first
Inquiry into Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency (formerly Te Pou Matakana and its Controllers
Request sent to Nanaia Mahuta by S. Paurini on .
Long overdue.
I request all information regarding funding, contracts, communications, applications for funding, contracts, provision of services and all other mat...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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