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Tēnā koe Valerie
On behalf of Michelle Morehu, Director Government Services, please find
attached an update to your Official Information Act req...
Documents relating to Board appointment
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Steve Pembroke on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Steve,
On behalf of Tim Grace, Director Strategy, Performance and Governance,
please find attached the response to your request.
PCR count plateaus at about 32. Do the MPI machines plateau the same?
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Stephan Hokke on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Stephan,
On behalf of Fleur Francois, Director, Diagnostics, Readiness and
Surveillance, please find attached a response to your Of...
Mitigating the David Seymour biosecurity threat
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Ali Ahmed on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Ali,
Thank you for your official information request received on 15 March 2025.
Your request below will be considered, and a decision provide...
H7N6 Bird Flu - Timeline of Events, Protocols and Media Narrative
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Chris McCashin on .
Awaiting classification.
Tçnâ koe Chris,
On behalf of Andrew Spelman, Commissioner Biosecurity, Intelligence
Systems & Response, please find attached a response to your...
Number of OIA requests for camera footage collected on fishing boats
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Greg Presland on .
Awaiting classification.
Tçnâ koe Greg,
On behalf of Simon Lawrence, Director Science & Information, please find
attached a response to your Official Information Act 198...
Total Exotic Plantings across LUC's
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Sean Laidlaw on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Sean,
On behalf of Amber Bill, Director of Forestry Operations, please find
attached a response to your Official Information Act re...
RNZSPCA accountability and prosecutions
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Grace Haden on .
Long overdue.
Tēnā koe Grace
On behalf of Michelle Morehu, Director, Government Services, please find
attached an update to your Official Information Act requ...
Exotic Caulerpa dieback
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Dan Moskovitz on .
Awaiting response.
Kia ora Dan,
Thank you for your official information request received on 5 March 2025.
Your request below will be considered, and a decision provided...
Animals welfare concerns about a scam rescue
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Cher Ryker on .
Long overdue.
Thank you for contacting MPI.
We aim to respond to enquiries within 3-7 working days.
This email is monitored Monday to Friday; 8.30am to 5.00p...
Diseased snapper, zombie syndrome, milky white flesh fish
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Katherine Raue on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Katherine,
On behalf of Rich Ford, Director, Science and Information, please find
attached a response to your Official Information...
Compilation of Food Recalls in NZ since 2014 - Consumer level and Business Level
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Dani on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Dani,
On behalf of Jenny Bishop, Director Food Risk Managemnet, please find
attached an update on your request.
Ngā mihi,...
TUR & FIFA Greatest Goal Agreement Documents
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Public Member on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Public Member,
On behalf of Marion Schrama, Acting Director Forestry Engagement & Advice,
please see the attached response regardin...
Lessons Learnt: Proof MPI is actioning identified areas for improvement
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Public Member on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe,
On behalf of Paul Lovett, Chief Digital Officer, please see the attached
response regarding your Official Information Act request.
Evidence for Kauri Dieback caused by Phytophthora agathidicida
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Matt Albert Munro on .
Long overdue.
Tēnā koe Matt,
On behalf of John Walsh, Director Readiness and Response Services, please
find attached a response to your request.
Ngā mih...
Agricultural compounds exempted by director General
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Amelia on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Amelia,
On behalf of Natalie Collins, Acting Director Assurance, please find
attached a response to your Official Information Act reque...
OIA request.
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Mary Phillips on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Mary,
On behalf of Fiona Duncan, Director Regulatory Systems Policy, please find
attached a response to your request.
Ngā mihi
Use of Dowsing
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Mark Honeychurch on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Mark,
On behalf of Steve Penno, Director of Investment Programme, please find
attached a response to your Official Information Act requ...
Please provide a list of the all the products approved for irradiation in New Zealand
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Athina Andonatou on .
Unusual response.
Tēnā koe Athina
On behalf of Roger Cook, Director, Food Science and Risk Assessment,
please see the attached response regarding your Officia...
Briefings provided to the Minister
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Jay on .
Long overdue.
Tēnā koe Jay,
Thank you for your official information request received on 30 April.
Your request below will be considered and a decision provided in...
Advisement to Senior Leadership regarding psychosocial wellbeing and actions there of.
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Ted H on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Ted,
On behalf of Nick Story, Director Rural Communities & Farming Support,
please find attached a response to your Official Information...
Information on M.Bovis and testing protocols
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Luke on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Luke,
On behalf of Simon Andrew, Director Mycoplasma Bovis, please see the
attached response regarding your Official Information Ac...
Correspondence with MP Barbara Kuriger through parliamentary email address regarding family members' charges of animal cruelty offences
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Charles Derbyshire on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Charles,
On behalf of Michelle Morehu, Director Government Services, Appendix one,
provided to you can be downloaded from the below...
Public Affairs Social Media
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Whistler King on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Whistler
On behalf of Neil Cherry, Deputy Director-General Corporate Services,
please find attached a response to your request.
Total number since 2016 of Live-Exports approved for Slaughter
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Rose Taffard on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Rose,
On behalf of Carolyn Guy, Acting Director Animal Health and Welfare,
please see the attached response regarding your Official...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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