Millennial future leaders to share inspiration at hui

john luke made this Official Information request to Massey University

The request was successful.

From: john luke

Dear Massey University,

I noted from the news as below, that Massey organised a Millennial future leaders forum. Can you please let me know your selection process, if there is an application form, can you please provide one, also how does the attendees cover their travel is that paid by the Univiersty?

Yours faithfully,

john luke

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Massey University

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Massey University, National Contact Centre (PN141), Private Bag 11 222,
Manawatu Mail Centre, Palmerston North 4442, New Zealand

Operating Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5 pm

Telephone:  0800 MASSEY (0800 627 739), Overseas +64 6 350 5701

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Facsimile:  +64 6 350 5618

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[4]Email Sig


First year free fees information


We encourage all prospective students to [5]apply now through the normal
process and check your eligibility at [6] We look forward
to welcoming you to one of our four campuses – Auckland, Manawatū,
Wellington or Distance.


Enrolments for 2018 are now open


To enrol click here:



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1. mailto:[Massey University request email]

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Massey University

Hello John,


Thank you for your email.


You may possibly need to get in further contact with the hosts of this for
your queries,


Their contact details are the following:


Genevieve Westcott (Massey University Communications and Marketing): M:
021 971 477

Thomas Maharaj (Inspiring Stories): 021 193 7699


Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to
contact us.




Cassidy Slade


Massey University, National Contact Centre (PN141), Private Bag 11 222,
Manawatu Mail Centre,

Palmerston North 4442, New Zealand

Operating Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5pm

Telephone: 0800 MASSEY (627 739), Overseas +64 6 350 5701

Email: [2][Massey University request email] 

Free Text: 5222

Webchat: [3]

Website: [4]


First year free fees information


We encourage all prospective students to [5]apply now through the normal
process and check your eligibility at [6]


We look forward to welcoming you to one of our four campuses – Auckland,
Manawatû, Wellington or Distance – next year.


Enrolments for 2018 are now open

To enrol click here:



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From: john luke

Dear Massey University,

Who is the host and does Massey Uni holds other relevant information?

Yours sincerely,

john luke

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Massey University

Attachment image002.jpg
22K Download

Thank you for contacting Massey University.   For student enquiries please
ensure that you have provided your student ID (if known), full name, date
of birth, current address and contact phone number.






Massey University, National Contact Centre (PN141), Private Bag 11 222,
Manawatu Mail Centre, Palmerston North 4442, New Zealand

Operating Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5 pm

Telephone:  0800 MASSEY (0800 627 739), Overseas +64 6 350 5701

Email: [1][Massey University request email]

Webchat: [2]

Facsimile:  +64 6 350 5618

Free Text:  5222

Website: [3]


Please note: The content of this email is confidential and may also
be legally privileged, intended for the individual or entity named and
should be read by the intended recipient only. If you are not the intended
recipients and have received this email in error, can you please notify
the sender immediately and delete the content from your system. Thank you.


[4]Email Sig


First year free fees information


We encourage all prospective students to [5]apply now through the normal
process and check your eligibility at [6] We look forward
to welcoming you to one of our four campuses – Auckland, Manawatû,
Wellington or Distance.


Enrolments for 2018 are now open


To enrol click here:



Visible links
1. mailto:[Massey University request email]

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Massey University

Hello John,


Thank you for your email.


This event has been organised by Massey’s College of Humanities and Social
Sciences, and is being held at the Palmerston North campus.


For more information, please see the Massey website [1]here.


Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to
contact us.




Alicia de Thierry


Massey University, National Contact Centre (PN141), Private Bag 11 222,
Manawatu Mail Centre,

Palmerston North 4442, New Zealand

Operating Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5pm

Telephone: 0800 MASSEY (627 739), Overseas +64 6 350 5701

Email: [Massey University request email] 

Free Text: 5222

Webchat: [2]

Website: [3]


First year free fees information


We encourage all prospective students to [4]apply now through the normal
process and check your eligibility at [5]


We look forward to welcoming you to one of our four campuses – Auckland,
Manawatū, Wellington or Distance – next year.


Enrolments for 2018 are now open

To enrol click here:



Please note: The content of this email is confidential and may also be
legally privileged, intended for the individual or entity named and should
be read by the intended recipient only. If you are not the intended
recipient and have received this email in error, can you please notify the
sender immediately and delete the content from your system. Thank you.



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Things to do with this request

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