Hawke's Bay Regional Council
A public authority
26 requests
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Staff turnover for the compliance team for the period January 2020 - October 2023.
Response by Hawke's Bay Regional Council to T. Bell on .
Awaiting classification.
Please find our responses to your requests for information below.
Dear Hawke's Bay Regional Council,
I seek information on staff turn over...
Papanui water tests 2015 to 2019
Response by Hawke's Bay Regional Council to Andrew Wilson on .
Awaiting classification.
Good morning Andrew,
Attached is the information to fulfil your LGOIMA request dated 22 October
Apologies for the delay in providing the...
Ruataniwha Water Storage Scheme
Response by Hawke's Bay Regional Council to Morgan Varaine on .
Good morning Morgan
Please call me if you wish to discuss my earlier email response.
Kind regards
Drew Broadley | 06 835 2632, 029 445 8290
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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