Government Communications Security Bureau

A public authority, also called GCSB

87 requests
Tēnā koe Please find the GCSB response to your request attached. Ngā mihi GCSB 2024-08-23-Scott-OIA Te Tira Tiaki �} Government Communications Sec...
Onsite Gym
Response by Government Communications Security Bureau to M H Hyde on .
Tēnā koe, Please find attached a response from the Director-General. Ngā mihi, GCSB
Declassification program
Response by Government Communications Security Bureau to Scott on .
Tēnā koe Scott, The Director-General's response to your request is attached. Ngā mihi GCSB Te Tira Tiaki Government Communications PO Box 12209, We...
Tçnâ koe Scott, Please find attached the response to your request. Ngâ mihi, GCSB 2024 03 22 Scott OJA t~ ~~ ~ .:. Te Tira Tiaki H Government Com...
Kia ora Scott, Please find attached a response from the Director-General. Nga mihi, GCSB Te Tira Tiaki Government Communications PO Box 12209, Well...
Kia ora Jason Please find attached a response to your OIA request. Ngā mihi GCSB 2023-10-31-Brown-OIA 28 November 2023 Jason Brown [FOI #24616 ema...
Number of contractors hired annually
Response by Government Communications Security Bureau to Mr Acworth on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Please find attached a response to your OIA request. Kind regards GCSB
COVID-19 “vaccines”, mortality, and morbidity
Request to Government Communications Security Bureau by ASE. Annotated by ASE on .
Partially successful.
Some information released - Some information withheld under the following...
Tēnā koe, Please find attached a response from the Director-General along with the remaining policies that you requested. Ngā mihi, GCSB PO Box 12-...
Tēnā koe, Please find attached a response from the acting Director-General to your OIA request. Ngā mihi, GCSB A16888332 PO Box 12-209 GOVERNMENT...
Kia ora Scott   Please find attached a response to your OIA request.   Kind regards GCSB and NZSIS   DMS42-6-9630 ^!s^ & GOVERNMENT COMM...
Evaluation of Huawei 5G technology
Response by Government Communications Security Bureau to Mohammed Khan on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Mohammed Please find attached the GCSB's response to your request. Kind regards GCSB A16795735 PO Box 12-209 Wellington 6144 P +64 4 472 688...
Kia ora Scott The Director-General's response to your request is attached. Ngā mihi GCSB
Kia ora Scott, Please find attached the Director-General's response to your OIA. Ngā mihi, GCSB GOVERNM ENT COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY BUREAU NCSC^...
GCSB-NZSIS Joint Policy Statements
Request to Government Communications Security Bureau by Scott. Annotated by Scott on .
Partially successful.
A summary of what is apparently the 2021 version of the Human Rights JPS has been made public on the GCSB and NZSIS websites: https://www.gcsb.govt.n...
GCSB Strategy 2018-2022
Response by Government Communications Security Bureau to Scott on .
Kia ora Scott, Please find attached a response to your OIA request. Kind regards, GCSB PO Box 12-209 Wellington 6144 P +64 4...
Kia ora Sebastian Please find attached a response to your OIA request. Kind regards GCSB & NZSIS
Kia ora Harold Please find attached a response to your OIA request. Kind regards GCSB
Social media manipulation
Response by Government Communications Security Bureau to Cole Lions on .
Kia ora Cole Please find attached a response to your OIA request (below) regarding social media manipulation. Kind regards GCSB
Good afternoon Connor, Please find attached a response to your OIA request for information relating to the cyber attacks against the New Zealand Stock...
Dear DG   Further to my email of yesterday, I unfortunately sent you the wrong attachment and I would be grateful if you could please destroy that...
Good morning Carl, Please find attached a response to your request. Kind regards, GCSB
Good afternoon, Please find a response to your request attached. Kind regards, GCSB
Dear Ms Freeman   Please find attached our response to your official information request.   Kind regards   GCSB   This email has been f...
Dear Mr Janssen, Please find attached our response to your Official Information Act request. Kind regards, GCSB R FF E IC LE IA AS L...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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