Government Communications Security Bureau

A public authority, also called GCSB

87 requests
Kia ora   We refer to your official information request, outlined below, for a list of all the reporting completed by the GCSB since 2008 for both...
Amount of type 1 warrants authorised by year
Response by Government Communications Security Bureau to RC on .
Awaiting classification.
Hello RC This information is publicly available. Please refer to the warrants section of our Annual Reports, which can be found in the 'About Us' sect...
To the GCSB - Please supply evidence this request was completed in a lawful and timely manner by supplying the documentation for the record so that we...
Tçnâ koe We refer to your request made under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) to the Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) on 12 Mar...
Drug Testing of Employees
Response by Government Communications Security Bureau to Aaron on .
Waiting clarification.
Tçnâ koe,   Thank you for your request made under Official Information Act 1982 (OIA). We note your request refers to both the GCSB and NZSIS, and...
Kia ora The Ombudsman's guidance states agencies are entitled to make reasonable enquiries to satisfy themselves that a requester is eligible to make...
GCSB & Immigration New Zealand (INZ)
Response by Government Communications Security Bureau to H on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear H   We ask for assurance that a requester is eligible to make a request under section 12 of the OIA before proceeding. The assurance we seek...
Kia ora Please see attached a response to your OIA request. Kind regards GCSB PO Box 12-209 Wellington 6144 P +64 4 472 6881 F +64 4 499 3701 www....
Good afternoon Bryan, Please find attached the Director-General's response to your OIA request. Kind regards, GCSB
Good afternoon Stephanie, Please find our response attached. Kind regards, GCSB and NZSIS
Good afternoon Mahrukh Sarwar, In our previous response to you, the GCSB extended the time limit to provide further in-scope speeches. Unfortunately w...
Good afternoon Mr Callahan, A response to your two OIAs is attached. Kind regards, GCSB
Hi Paul Thank you for your email. As these questions are similar to those you asked on 18 March 2020, we have incorporated them into your original req...
Dear A. Morris, The Government Communications Security Bureau has no record of receiving your Official Information Act request - Surveillance on South...
Interception of undersea cables
Request sent to Government Communications Security Bureau by A. Morris on .
Long overdue.
Is there a Large Cable Access program (the same or similar to those seen in the slide) operating on New Zealand soil or intercepting communications...
Dear Mr Hodgson   Please find attached our response to your official information request.   Kind regards   GCSB   This email has been f...
Geospatial Intelligence technology
Request sent to Government Communications Security Bureau by Bill on .
Long overdue.
What new Zealand-based companies provide geospatial technological assistance, advice, or capability to the GCSB and other agencies, companies with t...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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