Chris Hipkins

An agency that no longer exists or person who no longer holds office

Portfolios and other responsibilities:

  • Prime Minister;
  • Minister for National Security and Intelligence;
  • Minister Responsible for Ministerial Services.

This person has multiple portfolios. If possible it is recommended to specify in your request which portfolio(s) your request relates to.

Portfolios and responsibilities previously held:

  • Minister of Police;
  • Minister of Education;
  • Minister for the Public Service;
  • Leader of the House;
  • Minister for COVID-19 Response;
  • Minister of State Services;
  • Minister Responsible for Ministerial Services.

This authority no longer exists, so you cannot make a request to it.

163 requests

(page 7)

Additional Covid-19 tests for returnees from higher risk countries
Response by Chris Hipkins to Craig MacDonell on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Craig   Please our response to your FYI request 14374-27efd80.   Yours sincerely   Ministerial Services [1] - your guide...
A Living Wage for MIQ Workers
Response by Chris Hipkins to Shanna Reeder on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora   Thank you for taking the time to write to Hon Chris Hipkins, Minister for COVID-19 Response. We are receiving a significant amount of co...
Names of the Crown Car contractors outside of Wellington
Request to Chris Hipkins by George Benedict. Annotated by Mark Montgomery on .
Partially successful.
Information requested largely released, although without identifying individuals or businesses
Advice on rationale for fees free education
Response by Chris Hipkins to S. Paurini on .
Partially successful.
Dear S. Paurini Please find attached the response to your request received on 28 October 2019, for information under the Official Information Act 1982...
Dear K Jarrett   Please find attached Response to your OIA request of 6 June 2019.   Kind regards, Olivia   Office of Hon Chris Hipkins...
E-mail communications
Response by Chris Hipkins to David Farrar on .
Dear David   Please find attached Response to your OIA request.   Kind regards, Olivia   Office of Hon Chris Hipkins Minister of Educat...
Permitting Criminal Actions by MSD
Follow up sent to Chris Hipkins by Gregory Soar on .
Partially successful.
I do not recall a response to this formal request. If you made one please direct me to that response or please respond to prevent formal complaint...
Advice and information regarding disability funding for child in ECE
Response by Chris Hipkins to Katrina Bevan on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Katrina Please find attached Response to your OIA request. Yours sincerely, Olivia Funaki | Private Secretary - Administration (Education) | Of...
Dear Mr Stewart,   Please find attached a letter from Hon Chris Hipkins, Minister Responsible for Ministerial Services in relation to your Officia...
Visits to Schools
Response by Chris Hipkins to Matthew Hooton on .
Dear Matthew Please find attached Response to your OIA request. Yours sincerely, Olivia Funaki | Private Secretary - Administration (Education) | Of...
Meetings with Education Sector Groups
Response by Chris Hipkins to Matthew Hooton on .
Long overdue.
Dear Matthew The Hon Chris Hipkins, Minister of Education, has asked me to acknowledge your request of 4 July 2018, for information under the Official...
Advice and information regarding Charter Schools
Response by Chris Hipkins to mike allen on .
Partially successful.
Hi Mike, Please find a response to your OIA request. Kind regards, John John Sutherland | Private Secretary - Education | Office of Hon Chris Hipkin...
Students and Depression Ration of Counselling 1998-2018
Response by Chris Hipkins to K Gillies on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear K Gillies Please find attached Response to your OIA request. Yours sincerely, Olivia Funaki | Private Secretary - Administration (Education) |...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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