We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are William Stewart please sign in and let everyone know.

Report and results of the six-month BMW plug-in EV Crown Limo replacement trial

William Stewart made this Official Information request to Chris Hipkins

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for William Stewart to read a recent response and update the status.

From: William Stewart

Dear Chris Hipkins,

Please release the report, results and any briefings regarding the EV replacement crown limo trial, as mentioned in "Roadblocks for Government fleet’s electric shift", published by Newsroom 09/07/18


Yours faithfully,

William Stewart

Link to this

From: C Hipkins (MIN)
Chris Hipkins

Thank you for your email.


Please accept this as acknowledgement that your email has been received by
my office. As you can appreciate my office receives a large number of
emails each day and we do our very best to answer them promptly.


Thanks again.



Authorised by Chris Hipkins MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington


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From: Angelique Kerr

Dear William,

The Hon Chris Hipkins, Minister Responsible for Ministerial Services, has asked me to acknowledge your request of 9 July 2018, for information under the Official Information Act 1982, as follows:

"Please release the report, results and any briefings regarding the EV replacement crown limo trial, as mentioned in "Roadblocks for Government fleet’s electric shift", published by Newsroom 09/07/18

Your request is being considered under the Official Information Act 1982.

Yours sincerely,

Angelique Kerr| Private Secretary | Executive Support
Office of Hon Chris Hipkins MP for Rimutaka
Leader of the House
Minister for Education, State Services and Ministerial Services

DDI +64 4 817 6584

Authorised by Hon Chris Hipkins MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington

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From: William Stewart

Dear Chris Hipkins,
My OIA request has gone unanswered. By law, you should have responded prompty and by August the 6th, 2018.

Please clarify the reason for the delay and send the information through that has been requested.

Yours faithfully,

William Stewart

Link to this

From: Angelique Kerr

Hi William,
The response to your OIA request will be sent to you later this afternoon.
Thank you,

Kind Regards,

Angelique Kerr| Private Secretary | Executive Support
Office of Hon Chris Hipkins MP for Rimutaka
Leader of the House
Minister for Education, State Services and Ministerial Services

Authorised by Hon Chris Hipkins MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington

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From: William Stewart

Dear Angelique Kerr,

Thank you for your prompt reply yesterday.

Unfortunately I have still not received the report, as per the previous email stating "this afternoon", but I trust that it finds it's way to me today.

Yours sincerely,

William Stewart

Link to this

From: Jacque Bernstein

Attachment OIA response William Stewart 9 August 2018.pdf
164K Download View as HTML

Attachment PHEV Trial Evaluation Report 20 Dec.pdf
7.6M Download View as HTML

Attachment VIPT PHEV Evaluation Trial MRMS Briefing.pdf
913K Download View as HTML

Dear Mr Stewart,


Please find attached a letter from Hon Chris Hipkins, Minister Responsible
for Ministerial Services in relation to your Official Information Request
dated 9 July 2018.


Kind regards,



Jacque Bernstein | Senior Private Secretary

Office of Hon Chris Hipkins

Minister of Education

Minister of State Services

Leader of the House


DDI +64 4 817 8877 | Email [1][email address]


Authorised by Hon Chris Hipkins MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington





Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are William Stewart please sign in and let everyone know.

Things to do with this request

Chris Hipkins only: