John Jenkinson
Joined FYI in 2019
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This person's 6 Official Information requests
Request for responses provided by Capital & Coast DHB
Response by Office of the Ombudsman to John Jenkinson on .
Awaiting classification.
Tçnâ koe John
Thank you for your request for information.
You have requested copies of any correspondence sent to the Ombudsman by the Capital and C...
Sale of 29 Everton Terrace
Response by Capital and Coast District Health Board to John Jenkinson on .
Kia ora John
My apologies, the previous version I sent had a typo. Please see the
correct version attached.
Ngā mihi,
OIA Requests |...
Request for emails and board meeting minutes
Response by Capital and Coast District Health Board to John Jenkinson on .
Kia Ora
Attached please find a response to your OIA.
OIA Requests | Capital & Coast District Health Board | Ūpoko ki te uru hauora | www.ccd...
Specific documents and emails regarding the sale of 29 Everton Terrace
Response by Capital and Coast District Health Board to John Jenkinson on .
Kia ora John
Please find attached Capital & Coast District Health Board’s response to
your Official Information Act request received on 28 Decem...
All documents, emails and reports related to the sale of 29 Everton Terrace
Follow up sent to Capital and Coast District Health Board by John Jenkinson on .
I am not happy with this response as there are missing items in the response that have been left out deliberately, that would not have privacy impli...
Files and correspondence relating to sale of 29 Everton Terrace
Follow up sent to Capital and Coast District Health Board by John Jenkinson on .
Thank you for the response, I will respond to Ms Dougan directly and send a courtesy copy for your records.
Yours sincerely,
John Jenkinson
This person's 1 annotation
Specific documents and emails regarding the sale of 29 Everton Terrace
Request to Capital and Coast District Health Board by John Jenkinson. Annotated by John Jenkinson on .
Dear Capital and Coast DHB,
Unfortunately no response has been received, even after the extension requested by CC DHB.
Please advise,
John Jenkin...