Requests similar to 'GEOInt Conference'
Please advise how many, if any, NZDF personnel attended the GEOINT 2015 Symposium, June 22-25, at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Wash...
Dear Ms Morse
Please find attached the response to your OIA request
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Security Technology Alliance
Request sent to New Zealand Trade and Enterprise by Valerie Morse on .
Thank you for your response of 11 September regarding the Security Technology Alliance.
Can you please advise what individuals, organisations, st...
Privacy Impact Statement for Project CORTEX
Response by Government Communications Security Bureau to Joshua Grainger on .
Dear Mr Grainger,
Please find attached the response to your request for information.
Government Communications Security Burea...
Please find the response to your OIA request attached.
Kind regards,
Government Communications Security Bureau
PO Box 12-209, Wellington 6...
Security Technology Alliance
Response by New Zealand Trade and Enterprise to Valerie Morse on .
Dear Valerie,
RE: OIA 2015-16-05 Security Technology Alliance
Please find attached NZTE’s response to OIA 2015-16-05 Security Technology...
Queries concerning the safeguards around information sharing with foreign agencies
Response by Government Communications Security Bureau to J. Whyte on .
Dear Mr Whyte,
Please find attached GCSB’s response to your request for information.
Kind regards,
Official Information Advisor...
Confirmed identity of Bill English MP
Response by Government Communications Security Bureau to James Davies on .
Dear Mr Davies
Please find attached our response to your official information request.
Kind regards
This email has been fi...
Fire and Emergency Procedures at GCSB Tangimoana Station
Response by Government Communications Security Bureau to Luke Chandler on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Chandler
Thank you for your Official Information Act request of 24 April 2017 for
the Fire and Emergency procedures at GCSB’s Tangimoana...
NZ Defence Industry Conference
Request sent to New Zealand Defence Force by Valerie Morse on .
Dear NZDF,
I would like any information held by your agency regarding the Defence Industry Association annual conference created from November 16,...
Honorary Ambassadors Selection Criteria
Response by New Plymouth District Council to john luke on .
Dear Mr Luke
Thank you for your request regarding Honorary Ambassadorships granted by
New Plymouth District Council.
New Plymouth District...
Pay band and salary for graduates
Response by Government Communications Security Bureau to Kayla Freeman on .
Dear Ms Freeman
Please find attached our response to your official information request.
Kind regards
This email has been f...
Advisories from GCSB director to Network Operators about addressing security risks
Response by Government Communications Security Bureau to Daniel Richards on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Richards
Please find attached our response to your official information request.
Kind regards
This email has been...
NZTE support for NZDIA
Response by New Zealand Trade and Enterprise to Valerie Morse on .
Good morning
RE: OIA 2016-17-11 NZDIA
Please find attached a response in regards to your request of 14 September
Yours si...
Records regarding involvement in STATEROOM, as well as listening station "Caprica"
Response by Government Communications Security Bureau to Matthew J. Hodgson on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Mr Hodgson
Please find attached our response to your official information request.
Kind regards
This email has been f...
Masonic Lodge/Freemasons investigation information.
Response by Andrew Little to S. Stewart on .
Good afternoon,
Please see the attached response from the NZSIS and GCSB.
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Funding for the purchase of weapons and ammunition
Response by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Valerie Morse on .
Tēnā koe
Please see the attached letter concerning your OIA request.
Ngā mihi
Executive Services Division
New Zeala...
Director's speech, powerpoint & related communications
Response by Government Communications Security Bureau to Valerie Morse on .
Please find attached the response to your OIA request.
This email has been filtered by SMX. For more information visit
Director at Kiwicon
Response by Government Communications Security Bureau to Valerie Morse on .
Please see attached letter
This email has been filtered by SMX. For more information visit
Visible l...
Geoengineering and Impacts on NZ Weather
Request to National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited by Chris McCashin. Annotated by SPENCER JONES on .
HAARP, Weather Modification and Geoengineering all go hand-in-hand. They are all interwoven with one another, and the following reports, books, Project...
Strategic goods list - export to US forces
Response by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Valerie Morse on .
Partially successful.
Dear Valerie Morse,
Please see the attached correspondence regarding your recent Official
Information Act request.
Kind r...
2015 NZ Defence Industry conference
Response by New Zealand Trade and Enterprise to Valerie Morse on .
Hi Valerie
Please find attached responses in regards to your emails of 31 August and
1 September 2015.
Yours sincerely
Derek Williamson...
Pacific 2015 (International Maritime Exposition, 6-8 October in Sydney)
Response by New Zealand Trade and Enterprise to Valerie Morse on .
Hi Valerie
Please find attached responses in regards to your emails of 31 August and
1 September 2015.
Yours sincerely
Derek Williamson...
Land forces conference
Response by New Zealand Trade and Enterprise to Valerie Morse on .
Dear Valerie,
RE: OIA 2015-16-17
Please find attached a response to your email of 22 September 2015.
Yours sincerely
Documents and Information Related to May 2023 UAP Briefing and NZDF Involvement
Request sent to New Zealand Defence Force by N. S. Hudson on .
I am writing to submit a request for specific documents and information related to the participation of NZDF representatives at the May 2023 UAP bri...