Requests similar to 'Urgent Care Clinics'

Kia ora Valentino,    Thank you for your request for information regarding Urgent Care Clinic data, Funding for First Contact Services and informati...
Patient Enrolments
Request sent to Ministry of Health by Valentino Breckenridge on .
Please provide data for the number of patient enrolments by the largest 10 operators for the last 10 years. If not commercially sensitive please ide...
Kia ora Valentino, Please find attached our response to your official information request. If you have any questions about the response you can cont...
Monthly GP visits by PHO
Response by Ministry of Health to Valentino Breckenridge on .
Awaiting response.
Tçnâ koe Valentino,  Thank you for your request under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) to the Ministry of Health-Manatû Hauora on 13 Dece...
Tēnā koe Valentino,  Thank you for your request under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) to the Ministry of Health-Manatū Hauora on 13 Dece...
Public hospital elective surgery wait times
Response by Ministry of Health to Valentino Breckenridge on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Valentino, Thank you for your request under the Privacy Act 2020 (the Act) to the Ministry of Health (Manatū Hauora) on 13 December 2024....
Number of hospital procedures
Request sent to Health New Zealand by Valentino Breckenridge on .
Awaiting response.
Please provide data for the number of hospital procedures on an annual basis split by private & public hospitals for the last 5 years. If possible p...
Kia ora Catherine,   Thank you for your request of 26 June for the following information:   The question about mRNA active ingredient site of manuf...
Health checks on Ukrainians entering New Zealand
Response by Ministry of Health to DG on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Dan,  Please see attached a letter regarding your request for official information.  Ngā mihi     OIA Services Team Manatū Hauora | M...
Prescription charges from 1990 to 2023
Response by Ministry of Health to Brendon Mills on .
Kia ora  Brendon   Thank you for your request of 18 April 2024, in reply to our HNZ00038383 response, asking the following information regarding p...
What is the infection fatality rate of Covid 19?
Response by Ministry of Health to Erika Whittome on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora Erika Under section 28(3) of the Act, you have the right to ask the Ombudsman to review any decisions made under this request. The Ombudsman...
Iatrogenic fatality reports 2021 2022
Response by Ministry of Health to Tracy Livingston on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Tracy   Regarding your request transferred to the Ministry of Health.    Thank you for your request for official information. The reference...
Cost of Covid-19 booster advertisements by ‘Chasers’ of ‘The Chase’
Response by Ministry of Health to T.J.M on .
Awaiting classification.
    [IN-CONFIDENCE]   Kia ora   Thank you for your request under the Official Information Act 1982 which was transferred to the Department...
Kia ora    Thank you for your request of 11 November 2024 for the following information:   "The Medicines Assessment Advisory Committee met on 2...
Availability of alternative vaccines
Response by Ministry of Health to Christopher James on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Christopher,  Thank you for your request for official information received on 2 December 2022.      Your request asks for information wh...
Kia ora Erika,   Thank you for your request under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) for material referred to OIA response HNZ00035461:  ...
Covid-19 Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting
Response by Ministry of Health to Ryan on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora Ryan    Thank you for your request for official information. The reference number for your request is: H2023033869    As required under th...
Transcripts of Covid Advertising for 5-11 year olds
Response by Ministry of Health to Jonathon Stone on .
Information not held.
    [IN-CONFIDENCE]   Kia ora   Thank you for your request under the Official Information Act 1982 which was received on 30 March 2022, co...
Outsourcing Elective Surgeries
Response by Ministry of Health to Emma Vitz on .
Partially successful.
Dear Emma   We wish to acknowledge your request for information dated 7 June 2022, transferred by the Ministry of Health on 15 June 2022 to Waikat...
Pilot program for covid-19 vaccination in the workplace
Response by Ministry of Health to Doris Burke on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Doris,   Pursuant to section 15(1)(a) of the Act, Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora is writing to advise you that a decision has been made...
I am hope
Response by Ministry of Health to James on .
Kia ora James,    Thank you for your request for official information. The reference number for your request is: H2024055400    As required un...
Kia ora Chris,    Thank you for your request for official information. The reference number for your request is: H2024055630    As required un...
Kia ora Chris,    Thank you for your request for official information. The reference number for your request is: H2024055630    As required un...
Pfizer Contract details
Response by Health New Zealand to john evans on .
Kia ora John   Thank you for your request of 18 July 2024 for the following information: Please send a copy of the unredacted Agreement between Pfi...
Kia ora Erika    Thank you for your request for official information. The reference number for your request is: H2023033891    As required under t...