Requests similar to 'Dealings with Chorus'
Professors’ science briefing to Christchurch City Council
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to Philippa Fee on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Ms Fee
Please refer to the attached letter in relation to your recent request for
information held by Christchurch International Airport...
Central Otago
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to Philippa Fee on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Ms Fee
Please refer to the attached letter in relation to your recent request for
information held by Christchurch International Airport...
OIA Requests and responses
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to David Hawkins on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Mr Hawkins
We refer to your three separate requests recently received by Christchurch
Airport pursuant to the Official Information Act,...
Briefing to CCC regarding proposed airport at Tarras
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to David Hawkins on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Mr Hawkins
We refer to your three separate requests recently received by Christchurch
Airport pursuant to the Official Information Act,...
Waka Kotahi re proposed Tarras Airport
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to Warren Batchelor on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Mr Batchelor
Please refer to the attached letter in relation to your recent request for
information held by Christchurch International A...
Fornal board commitment to proceed with Tarras airport
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to rob van der mark on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Mr van der Mark
We refer to your two separate requests recently received by Christchurch
Airport pursuant to the Official Information Ac...
Plans and contractors for Tarras airport
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to rob van der mark on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Mr van der Mark
We refer to your two separate requests recently received by Christchurch
Airport pursuant to the Official Information Ac...
Meetings between CIAL and Waka Kotahi
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to David Hawkins on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora Mr Hawkins
We refer to your three separate requests recently received by Christchurch
Airport pursuant to the Official Information Act,...
Tarras Airport. Engagement with local flying organisations
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to Tracy Mahy on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Tracy
Please refer to the attached letter in relation to your recent request for
information held by Christchurch International Airport...
Sustainable Tarras
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to Sharon Beattie on .
Kia ora Sharon
Please refer to the attached letter in relation to your recent request for
information held by Christchurch International Airport...
Support for your Tarras airport project
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to Alex Guichard on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Alex
Please refer to the attached letter in relation to your recent request for
information held by Christchurch International Airport L...
Briefings to Ministry for the Environment
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to Sharon Beattie on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Ms Beattie
Please refer to the attached letter in relation to your recent request for
information held by Christchurch International Air...
Emissions projections and thinking
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to Alex Guichard on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Alex
Please refer to the attached letter in relation to your recent request for
information held by Christchurch International Airport L...
Central Otago Airport and fuel companies
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to Rod Fee on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Mr Fee
Please refer to the attached letter in relation to your recent request for
information held by Christchurch International Airport...
correspondence on Tarras land purchases
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to cherry nield on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Cherry,
Please find attached our response to your Official Information Act request
of 28 June 2023.
Ngā mihi
CIAL Legal Team...
Economic wellbeing of Central Otago
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to Rod Fee on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Mr Fee
Please refer to the attached letter in relation to your recent request for
information under the Official Information Act 1982....
Response to requests from Tarras residents to meet with CIAL
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to Caroline Ogle on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Ms Ogle
Thank you for your recent request to Christchurch Airport pursuant to the
Official Information Act, seeking the following inform...
Dealings with Aurora
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to Bettina Meyer on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Bettina
Please refer to the attached letter in relation to your recent request for
information held by Christchurch International Airpor...
Land use and zoning for Tarras
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to Simon Richardson on .
Kia ora Simon
Please refer to the attached letter in relation to your recent request for
information held by Christchurch International Airport...
Professor Ilan Noy’s assessment of Central Otago Airport
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to Belinda West on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Ms West
Please refer to the attached letter in relation to your recent request for
information held by Christchurch International Airpor...
Climate change
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to Sue Nyhof on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Ms Nyhof
Please see the attached letter in relation to your clarified request to
Christchurch International Airport Limited under the Of...
Engagement with Tarras community about potential airport
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to Mike Moody on .
Kia ora Mike
Please refer to the attached letter in relation to your recent request for
information held by Christchurch International Airport L...
Correspondence and meetings with Treasury re Tarras
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to Bettina Meyer on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Bettina
Thank you for your recent request to Christchurch Airport pursuant to the
Official Information Act, seeking the following inform...
Correspondence with tourism organisations
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to Sasha Holden on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Ms Holden
Please refer to the attached letter in relation to your recent request for
information held by Christchurch International Airp...
Search queries relating to Central Otago Airport project
Response by Christchurch International Airport Limited to James Kirk on .
Kia ora James
Please refer to the attached letter in relation to your recent request for
information held by Christchurch International Airport...