Publication of all DHB Policies, Protocols and Best Practice Documents

Amy S Van Wey Lovatt (Account suspended) made this Official Information request to Jenny Salesa

This request has been withdrawn by the person who made it. There may be an explanation in the correspondence below.

From: Amy S Van Wey Lovatt (Account suspended)

Dear DHB,

I have repeatedly been assured from DHB's that they are committed to transparency.

Request 1:
Thus, I respectfully request that your DHB make ALL of your DHB policies, protocols and best practice documents publicly available.

While on the face of it, my request may seem like a time consuming task; however, this should not be the case. Currently, DHB policies, protocols and best practice documents are held electronically and are available on your DHB intranet (employee access only), and in many cases, there are already hyper-links between policies, protocols and best practice documents. Thus, in order to change the setting to the policies, protocols and best practice documents from private (intranet and employee access only) to public ought to be accomplished by a click of a button (or, at most, a line or two of code). Upon completion, I respectfully request a response with the website address to the DHB policies.

Request 2:
Is your DHB laboratory and radiology departments, or the agencies your DHB has contract out pathology and radiology services, IANZ accredited?

Request 3:
In the event that your DHB, or the agencies your DHB has contracted out pathology and radiology services, is IANZ accredited, I respectfully request ALL of the documentation submitted to IANZ for accreditation by your DHB (or contracted agencies) be made publicly available upon your DHB website (or as a link to your contracted agencies website). Again, while this may appear to be a daunting task on the face of it, this information ought to be in electronic form and have been collated prior to submission to IANZ. Thus, again, my request ought to be accomplished by a click of a button or at most, a few lines of code to link the website to the appropriate folder on your internal systems.

I make these request in order to save time, energy and financial resources. By making the requested information publicly available, the DHB will not need to spend valuable time and resources in answering repeated requests for policies, protocols and best practice documentation, and will help your DHB become compliant with Ministry of Health Standards (such as HISO 10064 and 10029) and legislative requirements, such as those described in the Health Information Privacy Code 1994, Health Act 1956, and Health and Disability Commissioner (Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights) Regulations 1996.

Please note I have made this request to every NZ DHB.

Yours faithfully,

Amy S Van Wey Lovatt

Link to this

From: J Salesa (MIN)
Jenny Salesa

Thank you for your email.

Along with the staff in my office, I am now working remotely as we all
play our part to limit the spread of COVID-19.  The team are still
monitoring this email address.

I apologise for any delay in our reply, as we work through the high volume
of emails being sent to this address.

If you have sent this email to a number of Government Ministers, please
except a reply from the Minister who has portfolio responsibility for the
matter you raise.

Keep Safe. Stay Home and Be Kind.


Hon Jenny Salesa

Minister for Building and Construction,

Minister of Customs,

Minister for Ethnic Communities,

Associate Minister of Education,

Associate Minister of Health 

MP for Manukau East



Link to this

From: Amy S Van Wey Lovatt (Account suspended)

Dear Jenny Salesa,

I appologize for inadvertently adding your organization to my OIA request to the NZ DHB's. I would like to withdraw this request.

Yours faithfully,

Amy S Van Wey Lovatt

Link to this

Things to do with this request

Jenny Salesa only: