Coastal Erosion Hazard Risk report

Alex Harris made this Official Information request to Kapiti Coast District Council

The request was successful.

From: Alex Harris

Dear Kapiti Coast District Council,

Stuff today reported that some residents of the Kapiti District have been notified of coastal erosion hazards ("1800 Kapiti beachfront homes at risk", Stuff, 28/8/12). The notifications are base don a Coastal Erosion Hazard Risk report commissioned by Kapiti Coast District Council and prepare dby Coastal Systems.

I woudl like to request the following information under the LGOIMA:

* a copy of that report

Obviously, if the report is already available on the web, then the URL would be great.

I would prefer to receive an electronic response. Queries about this request will be automatically forwarded to me by the website.

With regards to s12 of the OIA, I am an NZ citizen and in NZ.

Yours faithfully,

Alex Harris

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Kapiti Coast District Council

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From: Alex Harris

Dear Kapiti Council,

Please cancel this request; I've managed to find the information through the link in your original press release.

Sorry for wasting your time,

Alex Harris

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Kapiti Coast District Council

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From: Robyne Cranshaw
Kapiti Coast District Council


Thank you for your email.

As requested, here is the url to the Coastal Erosion Hazard Risk report from the Kapiti Coast District Council website.


Robyne Cranshaw
Customer Services
Kapiti Coast District Council

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Things to do with this request

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