Legal aid applications
Danny Pickering made this Official Information request to Ministry of Justice
The request was partially successful.
From: Danny Pickering
Ministry of Justice,
Please provide me with the total number of Legal Aid applications and outcome of applications (approved, rejected, etc.), broken down by year as far back as records permit.
Please break this down into criminal and non-criminal cases.
Please provide me with the total number of criminal prosecutions initiated per annum, as far back as records permit.
Ngā mihi,
Danny Pickering
From: correspondence, official
Ministry of Justice
Dear Mr Pickering,
Acknowledging receipt of all 3 of your requests for information under the
Official Information Act.
You can expect a response to your requests on or before 02 May 2019.
Kind regards,
[1] Favio Rossini
Advisor |
Ministry of
Justice | Tāhū
o te Ture
-----Original Message-----
From: Danny Pickering <[FYI request #9978 email]>
Sent: Monday, 1 April 2019 4:19 p.m.
To: correspondence, official <[Ministry of Justice request email]>
Subject: Official Information request - Legal aid applications
Ministry of Justice,
Please provide me with the total number of Legal Aid applications and
outcome of applications (approved, rejected, etc.), broken down by year as
far back as records permit.
Please break this down into criminal and non-criminal cases.
Please provide me with the total number of criminal prosecutions initiated
per annum, as far back as records permit.
Ngā mihi,
Danny Pickering
This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.
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From: NSDOpsSupport
Ministry of Justice
Tçnâ koe Danny,
I am writing about your request in which you asked for the following
1. The total number of legal aid applications and the outcome of those
applications to be broken down by criminal and non-criminal cases, as
far back as records permit and;
2. The total number of criminal prosecutions initiated per annum, as far
back as records permit.
I reference in particular your request that we provide the total number of
legal aid applications and outcome to applications (approved, rejected,
etc) broken down by year as far back as records permit. The time frame of
‘as far back as records permit’ is broad and difficult to provide. To find
records of this nature would require substantial research and collation. I
am inviting you to consider refining your request to a particular time
frame and suggest that records from July 2011 would be appropriate.
I can advise that in 2011, the Legal Services Act came into force. It
disestablished the Legal services agency which was a separate Crown
entity. From July 2011, the Legal Services Commissioner became responsible
for granting legal aid under the direction of the Minister and Secretary
of Justice. Since that change in July 2011, we have complete records of
the total number of legal aid applications and the outcomes available. If
you’re happy to refine your request from July 2011, we will be able to
provide a response.
Due to the volume of information requested, a response cannot be made
within the original time limit. Accordingly, I’m extending the time limit
for a response to this request by twenty working days under section 15A of
the Official Information Act 1982. We will respond to you by 30 May 2019.
If you choose to refine your request to data from July 2011, we will be
able to provide a response in a shorter time frame.
Please confirm if you are willing to refine your request from July 2011,
or have another time frame preference. Please provide a response by 7 May
You have the right under section 28(3) of the Official Information Act to
complain to the Ombudsman about the decision to extend the timeframe for
response to your request.
Ngâ mihi,
Mikayla Kennedy
Advisor | Operations Support
National Service Delivery
[2][email address]
Ministry of Justice | Tâhû o te Ture | L3 Justice Centre | 19 Aitken
Street | DX Box SX10088 | Wellington .
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Thank you.
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From: Jackson, Lydia
Ministry of Justice
Kia ora Danny,
Please find attached your OIA response.
Many thanks,
[1]Description: Description: Description: Lydia Jackson
Description: Communications Advisor - Media | Communications Services
Ministry of Justice | Tāhū o te
P DDI 04 4394065 | Ext 44065| M
[2][email address]
| [3]
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Thank you.
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Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
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