The average associated cost of removing a child from his biological parents care and placing a child in fostercare per year per child?

Zane Collins made this Official Information request to Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children

Response to this request is long overdue. By law Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children should have responded by now (details and exceptions). The requester can complain to the Ombudsman.

From: Zane Collins

Dear Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children,

I would like to request the average associated cost of removing a child from his biological parents care and placing a child in fostercare per year per child?

Also i would like to have the statistics of:

- How many children were removed from their biological parents care per year from year 2000 to 2018 per year.

Yours faithfully,

Zane Collins

Link to this

From: OIA_Requests (MVCOT)
Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children

Attachment image001.jpg
8K Download

Dear Mr Collins


Thank you for you Official Information Act request of 14 March 2018,
regarding the cost associated with removing a child from their parent and
placing them in foster care.


To answer your request, we need you to clarify the request.


Do you want to know how much is spent each year F2000 to F2018 on tamariki
in care and how many tamariki that cost applies to?


Please send your reply to:[1][email address]. We look forward
to your clarification.




Ministerial Support

PO Box 546, Wellington 6140

* E: [2]ot [email address]





-----Original Message-----
From: Zane Collins
[[4]mailto:[FOI #7454 email]]
Sent: Wednesday, 14 March 2018 4:15 p.m.
To: OIA_Requests (MVCOT)
Subject: Official Information request - The average associated cost of
removing a child from his biological parents care and placing a child in
fostercare per year per child?


Dear Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children,


I would like to request the average associated cost of removing a child
from his biological parents care and placing a child in fostercare per
year per child?


Also i would like to have the statistics of:


- How many children were removed from their biological parents care per
year from year 2000 to 2018 per year.


Yours faithfully,


Zane Collins




This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[5][FOI #7454 email]


Is [6][Oranga Tamariki request email] the wrong address for Official
Information requests to Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children? If so,
please contact us using this form:



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From: Zane Collins

Dear OIA_Requests (MVCOT),

Yes that would be satisfactory and of course if you have the total cost of each Tamariki divided by the number of Tamariki then you can get the average total cost of each Tamariki removed from 2000 to 2018. When you will be able to respond with these information ?

Yours sincerely,

Zane Collins

Link to this

From: OIA_Requests (MVCOT)
Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children

Attachment image003.jpg
7K Download

Attachment Official Information request The average associated cost of removing a child from his biological parents care and placing a child in fostercare per year per child.txt
1K Download View as HTML

Dear Mr Collins,


Thank you for refining your request on 16 March 2018 to the following:

1.    How much is spent each year F2000 to F2018 on tamariki  in care and
how many tamariki that cost applies to?


2.    Also I would like to have the statistics of how many children were
removed from their biological parents care per year from year 2000 to 2018
per year.


We are unable to provide information to the end of Financial Year (FY)
2018 as this year is still in progress. We are also unable to provide the
number of children removed specifically from biological parents as you
have requested. This information would be held in individual client files
and such a request would be refused under section 18(f) as substantial
manual collation is required.


We are able to provide information to end of FY 2017, 30 June 2017, and
the number of children that entered care for each year which would refine
your request to the following:

1.    How much is spent each year FY2000 to FY2017 on tamariki in care and
how many tamariki does that cost apply to?


2.    How many tamariki entered care per year from FY 2000 to FY 2017?


If you agree to this refined request please confirm in an email to this

We have attached your initial request for reference and look forward to
your clarification.


Kind regards,

Ministerial Support

Oranga Tamariki – Ministry for Children

* E: [1][email address]


-----Original Message-----
From: Zane Collins
[[2]mailto:[FOI #7454 email]]
Sent: Friday, 16 March 2018 12:04 p.m.
To: OIA_Requests (MVCOT)
Subject: Re: FW: Official Information request - The average associated
cost of removing a child from his biological parents care and placing a
child in fostercare per year per child?


Dear OIA_Requests (MVCOT),


Yes that would be satisfactory and of course if you have the total cost of
each Tamariki divided by the number of Tamariki then you can get the
average total cost of each Tamariki removed from 2000 to 2018. When you
will be able to respond with these information ?


Yours sincerely,


Zane Collins


-----Original Message-----


Dear Mr Collins




Thank you for you Official Information Act request of 14 March 2018,
 regarding the cost associated with removing a child from their parent
and  placing them in foster care.




To answer your request, we need you to clarify the request.




Do you want to know how much is spent each year F2000 to F2018 on
tamariki  in care and how many tamariki that cost applies to?




Please send your reply to:[1][email address]. We look forward  to your








Ministerial Support


PO Box 546, Wellington 6140


* E: [2]ot [email address]











Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[4][FOI #7454 email]


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the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:



If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA





------------------------------- This email message is intended solely for
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is confidential and may be legally privileged. Any review, retransmission,
dissemination or other use of this email may be unlawful. If you are not
the intended recipient, please notify us immediately and destroy the email
from all sources. Thank you. Ministry for Vulnerable Children, Oranga
Tamariki accepts no responsibility for changes made to this email or to
any attachments after transmission from the Office.


Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. mailto:[FOI #7454 email]
3. file:///tmp/cid:image001.jpg@01D3BAB3.6B80C5B0
4. mailto:[FOI #7454 email]

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From: OIA_Requests (OT)

Attachment image003.jpg
7K Download

Attachment 20180412 Response COLLINS.pdf
239K Download View as HTML

Good Afternoon,


Please find response attached.


Ministerial Support

Oranga Tamariki – Ministry for Children

* E: [email address]



Dear OIA_Requests (MVCOT),


Yes that would be satisfactory and of course if you have the total cost of
each Tamariki divided by the number of Tamariki then you can get the
average total cost of each Tamariki removed from 2000 to 2018. When you
will be able to respond with these information ?


Yours sincerely,


Zane Collins


-----Original Message-----


Dear Mr Collins




Thank you for you Official Information Act request of 14 March 2018, 
regarding the cost associated with removing a child from their parent and 
placing them in foster care.




To answer your request, we need you to clarify the request.




Do you want to know how much is spent each year F2000 to F2018 on
tamariki  in care and how many tamariki that cost applies to?




Please send your reply to:[1][email address]. We look forward  to your








Ministerial Support


PO Box 546, Wellington 6140


* E: [2]ot [email address]



-----Original Message-----
From: Zane Collins [mailto:[FOI #7454 email]]
Sent: Wednesday, 14 March 2018 4:15 p.m.
To: OIA_Requests (MVCOT)
Subject: Official Information request - The average associated cost of
removing a child from his biological parents care and placing a child in
fostercare per year per child?


Dear Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children,


I would like to request the average associated cost of removing a child
from his biological parents care and placing a child in fostercare per
year per child?


Also i would like to have the statistics of:


- How many children were removed from their biological parents care per
year from year 2000 to 2018 per year.


Yours faithfully,


Zane Collins




This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[1][FOI #7454 email]


Is [2][Oranga Tamariki request email] the wrong address for Official
Information requests to Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children? If so,
please contact us using this form:



Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:



If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA






------------------------------- This email message is intended solely for
the person or entity to which it is addressed. The information it contains
is confidential and may be legally privileged. Any review, retransmission,
dissemination or other use of this email may be unlawful. If you are not
the intended recipient, please notify us immediately and destroy the email
from all sources. Thank you. Oranga Tamariki-Ministry for Children accepts
no responsibility for changes made to this email or to any attachments
after transmission from the Office. ------------------------------


Visible links
1. mailto:[FOI #7454 email]
2. mailto:[Oranga Tamariki request email]

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Things to do with this request

Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children only: