NZTE customer segmentation

William Thornton made this Official Information request to New Zealand Trade and Enterprise

The request was refused by New Zealand Trade and Enterprise.

From: William Thornton

Dear New Zealand Trade and Enterprise,

You recently redeveloped your website, where you outline how you work with NZ companies and what services they can access depending on the customer journey.

Can you please provide the name of NZ companies according to their customer segmentation (Foundation Build, Foundation Start, Focus) as of today.

Yours faithfully,

William Thornton

Link to this

From: Info
New Zealand Trade and Enterprise

Thank you for contacting New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE). This
email address will no longer be actively monitored and your email has been
redirected to our new address at [email address]. A customer
advisor will respond to your enquiry shortly, however please use our new
address for all future enquiries.

Link to this

From: Derek Williamson -WLG
New Zealand Trade and Enterprise

Good morning


RE:  OIA 2016-17-30 Customer segmentation


Thanks for your email of 22 April regarding an Official Information Act
1982 (the Act) request, seeking:


·         the name of NZ companies according to their customer
segmentation (Foundation Build,  Foundation Start, Focus) as of today.


We will respond to your request as soon as reasonably practicable and
within 20 working days of 22 April 2017 in accordance with the Act.



Yours sincerely,


Derek Williamson


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Link to this

From: Derek Williamson -WLG
New Zealand Trade and Enterprise

Attachment Release OIA 30.pdf
239K Download View as HTML

Good morning


RE:  OIA 2016-17-30 Customer segmentation


Please find attached a response in regards to your request of 22 April


Kind regards

Derek Williamson


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New Zealand Trade and Enterprise accepts no responsibility for changes
made to this email or to any attachments after transmission from New
Zealand Trade and Enterprise. The information contained in this email,
together with any attachments, does not necessarily represent the official
view of New Zealand Trade and Enterprise. It is your responsibility to
check this email and any attachments for viruses.



Link to this

Things to do with this request

New Zealand Trade and Enterprise only: