What is the current confirmed number of live wild or captive Kiwi at Pukaha Mount Bruce
Nick Newbery made this Official Information request to Department of Conservation
The request was successful.
From: Nick Newbery
Dear Department of Conservation,
The DOC are responsible for the management of pests at Pukaha, Mount Bruce, Wairarapa.
It is not recorded I the 2015 restoration report the number of Brown Kiwi (conversely the estimated number of Kaka and Kakapo are recorded) that are at Pukaha.
Please provide the number of confirmed live Brown Kiwi, each year for the past five years.
A recent audit was conducted to determine the current confirmed number of live Brown Kiwi in Pukaha, can you please provide a copy of that audit report and its official findings.
The website identifies that in addition to 'Manukura' there are five other very rare white brown kiwi’s at Pukaha, how many of these are still alive, and when was the last confirmed sighting of any of them?
Can you please advise the amount of money that has been spent on pest control in the past 5 years.
Given the results of the above questions how has the success of pest control strategies been measured and reported.
Yours faithfully,
Nick Newbery LLB
From: OIA
Department of Conservation
Dear Nick
On behalf of the Director-General of the Department of Conservation, I confirm receipt of your request for official information. Your request has been forwarded to the relevant business group for processing. You will receive a reply in accordance with the requirements of the Official Information Act 1982.
Yours sincerely
Alan Moran
for Director-General
Alan Moran
Ministerial Support Advisor (GSU)
Strategy and Innovation - Te Punaha Rautaki/Auaha
Department of Conservation–Te Papa Atawhai
(04) 4713286. VPN 8286
Conservation for prosperity Tiakina te taiao, kia puawai
-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Newbery [mailto:[FOI #4550 email]]
Sent: Monday, 5 September 2016 12:09 p.m.
To: OIA <[DOC request email]>
Subject: Official Information request - What is the current confirmed number of live wild or captive Kiwi at Pukaha Mount Bruce
Dear Department of Conservation,
The DOC are responsible for the management of pests at Pukaha, Mount Bruce, Wairarapa.
It is not recorded I the 2015 restoration report the number of Brown Kiwi (conversely the estimated number of Kaka and Kakapo are recorded) that are at Pukaha.
Please provide the number of confirmed live Brown Kiwi, each year for the past five years.
A recent audit was conducted to determine the current confirmed number of live Brown Kiwi in Pukaha, can you please provide a copy of that audit report and its official findings.
The website identifies that in addition to 'Manukura' there are five other very rare white brown kiwi’s at Pukaha, how many of these are still alive, and when was the last confirmed sighting of any of them?
Can you please advise the amount of money that has been spent on pest control in the past 5 years.
Given the results of the above questions how has the success of pest control strategies been measured and reported.
Yours faithfully,
Nick Newbery LLB
This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.
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From: Kathy Houkamau
Department of Conservation
Good afternoon Nick
Thank you for your request for information about pest control at Pukaha
Mount Bruce.
I would like to discuss your request with you to better understand what
information is required.
Some of the information you are seeking is not held by DOC as the
restoration project at Pukaha is owned and managed by the Pukaha Mount
Bruce Board.
Could you please call me or provide your contact details so I can discuss
this with you and determine how the Department can best assist you to
obtain the information you are seeking.
Nga mihi
Kathy Houkamau
Operations Manager Kahui Matarautaki
Department of Conservation - Te Papa Atawhai
Wairarapa District - South Road Masterton
DDI +64 6 377 3903 I Mobile +64 027 839 4626 I VPN 8542
Conservation leadership for our nature Tâkina te hî, Tiakina, te hâ o te
Âo Tûroa
-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Newbery
[[2]mailto:[FOI #4550 email]]
Sent: Monday, 5 September 2016 12:09 p.m.
To: OIA <[3][DOC request email]>
Subject: Official Information request - What is the current confirmed
number of live wild or captive Kiwi at Pukaha Mount Bruce
Dear Department of Conservation,
The DOC are responsible for the management of pests at Pukaha, Mount
Bruce, Wairarapa.
It is not recorded I the 2015 restoration report the number of Brown Kiwi
(conversely the estimated number of Kaka and Kakapo are recorded) that are
at Pukaha.
Please provide the number of confirmed live Brown Kiwi, each year for the
past five years.
A recent audit was conducted to determine the current confirmed number of
live Brown Kiwi in Pukaha, can you please provide a copy of that audit
report and its official findings.
The website identifies that in addition to 'Manukura' there are five other
very rare white brown kiwi’s at Pukaha, how many of these are still alive,
and when was the last confirmed sighting of any of them?
Can you please advise the amount of money that has been spent on pest
control in the past 5 years.
Given the results of the above questions how has the success of pest
control strategies been measured and reported.
Yours faithfully,
Nick Newbery LLB
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2. mailto:[FOI #4550 email]
3. mailto:[DOC request email]
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From: Nick Newbery
Dear Kathy Houkamau,
I have reviewed my request and the information that I have requested is straight forward and I do not think it requires any clarification.
In essence, I have asked how many Brown and Brown 'White" are confirmed to still be alive at Pukaha. The other information I have requested will clarify their decline and how much has been spent on pest control by DOC in the past five years to protect the approx 110 introduced Brown Kiwi.
As you are aware the OIA requires the disclosure of information known by DOC, irrespective of who may 'own it'. As DOC are exclusively contracted to conduct pest control at Pukaha, then DOC must know how many Brown Kiwi that they are contracted to protect from pests. I am aware this was recently determined in a 'Kiwi Call' conducted by DOC staff - meaning DOC have the information I have requested.
If DOC is not responsible for protecting Kiwi under the pest control strategy and therefore do not have that specific information I requested please simply respond accordingly.
If Kiwi is protected by DOC, but DOC does not currently know and/or has never known how many Brown Kiwi or Brown White Kiwi are at Pukaha that DOC is contracted to protect, please simply respond accordingly.
I still require the other information requested please,
Yours sincerely,
Nick Newbery LLB
From: Sharon Alexander
Department of Conservation
Morena Mr Newbery, Mr Stewart
On behalf of the Acting Director of Operations Lower North Island, Jay
Eden, please find attached the department’s response to your Office
Information Request.
Yours sincerely
Sharon Alexander
PA for Reg Kemper, Director Operations, Lower North Island
Kaiâwhina - Kaihautu Matarautaki
Department of Conservation - Te Papa Atawhai
DDI: +64 6 350 6204 | M: + 64 27 722 5430 | 6954
Palmerston North Office
28 North Street, Palmerston North
Private Bag 11010, Palmerston North 4442
Conservation leadership for our nature Tâkina te hî, tiakina te hâ, o te
ao tûroa
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1. http://www.doc.govt.nz/
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