We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Ben Ross please sign in and let everyone know.

Minister Responsible for RMA Reform: National Standardised Zones, are they drafted or to be drafted still

Ben Ross made this Official Information request to Chris Bishop

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Ben Ross to read a recent response and update the status.

From: Ben Ross

Dear Chris Bishop - Minister Responsible for RMA Reform

In the EAG report, and in your speech on the Beehive Website it was stated:
Greater use of standardisation: Nationally set standards, including standardised land use zones, will provide significant system benefits and efficiencies. The new legislation will provide for greater standardisation, while still maintaining local decision making over the things that matter.
“Common sense ideas like standardised zoning will be a key feature of the new system. Right now, every individual council determines the technical rules of each of their zones. Across the country there are 1,175 different kinds of zones. In Japan, which utilises standardised zoning, they have only 13”, Mr Bishop says.
“Standardising these zoning rules will take pressure off ratepayers and make it easier to build more homes for Kiwis.

My question is this?
Has any work been done on drafting the National Standardised Zones, or are they still to be drafted by whoever.

My follow-on question being:
If the NSZs have been drafted, are they able to be released and pre consultation done with the Territorial Local Authorities to test the NSZ's robustness before the Phase 3 Bill undergoes its 1st Reading in Parliament. This is given the TLAs will be the ones implementing the NSZ's via their Plans.

If the NSZ's have NOT been drafted, who will be drafting them, and will subject matter experts from inside and outside of the TLA's be called upon to assist. Also will international help be called upon given you have mentioned Japan's standardised zones which you wish to rightfully emulate (and I have advocated for over a decade now)

Yours faithfully,

Ben Ross

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From: Christopher Bishop (MIN)
Chris Bishop

(Please note that this acknowledgement is an automatically generated
Kia ora,
Hon Chris Bishop considers all correspondence to be important and
appreciates you taking the time to write.  As the Minister receives a
large amount of correspondence, it is not always possible to personally
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* Requests for official information (OIAs) will be managed in accordance
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* Latest information from the Beehive can be found here:

If you are a resident in the Hutt South electorate, please email
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Kind regards,
Office of Hon. Chris Bishop
Minister of Housing | Minister for Infrastructure | Minister Responsible
for RMA Reform | Minister of Transport | Associate Minister of Finance |
Associate Minister for Sport and Recreation | Leader of the House
Private Bag 18041 |Parliament Buildings | Wellington 6160 | New Zealand
Office phone: +64 4 817 6802 | Email: [3][email address]


Visible links
1. http://www.beehive.govt.nz/
2. mailto:[email address]
3. mailto:[email address]

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From: Christopher Bishop (MIN)
Chris Bishop

Attachment image001.jpg
9K Download



Dear Ben,


I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your Official Information Act
request dated the 26^th of March 2025.  You have requested the following


" My question is this?

Has any work been done on drafting the National Standardised Zones, or are
they still to be drafted by whoever.


My follow-on question being:

If the NSZs have been drafted, are they able to be released and pre
consultation done with the Territorial Local Authorities to test the NSZ's
robustness before the Phase 3 Bill undergoes its 1st Reading in
Parliament. This is given the TLAs will be the ones implementing the NSZ's
via their Plans.


If the NSZ's have NOT been drafted, who will be drafting them, and will
subject matter experts from inside and outside of the TLA's be called upon
to assist. Also will international help be called upon given you have
mentioned Japan's standardised zones which you wish to rightfully emulate
(and I have advocated for over a decade now)"


We received your request on 26/03/2025.  We will endeavour to respond to
your request as soon as possible and in any event no later than
28/04/2025, being 20 working days after the day your request was
received.  If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will
notify you of an extension of that timeframe.


Kind regards,



Office of Hon Chris Bishop

Minister of Housing | Minister for Infrastructure | Minister Responsible
for RMA Reform | Minister of Transport |

Associate Minister of Finance | Associate Minister for Sport & Recreation
| Leader of the House | MP for Hutt South
Office: 04 817 6802 | EW 6.3

Email: [1][Chris Bishop request email]   Website: [2]www.Beehive,govt.nz

Private Bag 18041, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160, New Zealand


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This email communication is confidential between the sender and the
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confidential and you may not copy, retain or distribute it in any manner.
Please notify the sender immediately and erase all copies of the message
and all attachments. Thank you.




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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Ben Ross please sign in and let everyone know.

Things to do with this request

Chris Bishop only: