Reason why disputes allowed this to continue

Peter Duncan made this Official Information request to Ministry of Justice

This request has been reported as needing administrator attention (perhaps because it is vexatious, or a request for personal information)

From: Peter Duncan

Dear Ministry of Justice,
I am requesting a reason why this disputes tribunal case escalated our dispute with nz post to the point of we no longer get any mail and have no way of getting our mail, your referee allowing nz post contractors to file with the police a harassment claim , yet there is a perfectly good restraining order application which allows a response. Now in september 28 2023 nz post file states they were concerned for their well-being, yet nz police served a trespass notice, why would there be two different stories?. Nz post when they signed as the recipient in june , were they worried then? What about july? Or August? Or even September? They knew due to not getting court documents they cost us $22600 Now as the referee did in fact state in the hearing as we have a recording of the entire hearing we have rights under the consumer guarantees act, yet still threw it out. This made nz post more aggressive and now we no longer can receive any mail from the courts, winz, ird, police, or anyone. Now before this hearing we had a po box , after this hearing we were forced by police to hand key back due to alleged harassment. Who is harassing who please? Has the court been negligent? Perhaps this needs to be responded to by Janet Robertshaw. Now harassment needs to be proven we have dates, but no times. Our bank statement says different as you don't head to a shop and buy nothing.

Yours faithfully,

Peter Duncan

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Ministry of Justice

Tēnā koe,


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Ngā mihi,

Communications and Ministerial Services | Corporate Services
Ministry of Justice

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Tēnā koe Peter,

Thank you for your request for information of 8 January 2025. We apologise
for the delay in acknowledging your request. 

In your email, you have requested information under the Official
Information Act 1982 (the Act), regarding your Disputes Tribunal (the
Tribunal) case. However, I must advise that Courts and Tribunals are a
separate and independent arm of government and are specifically excluded
from the Act under section 2(6)(a). Therefore, any information regarding
your case is likely to be refused under section 18(g) of the Act, as the
information requested is not held by the Ministry and there are no grounds
for believing it is held by another agency subject to the Act. 

Further, while the Act allows New Zealanders to ask government agencies
for information, there is no requirement to create new information,
compile information they do not hold, respond to hypothetical questions,
or provide an opinion.  Your questions appear to seek an opinion from the
Ministry regarding the behaviour of New Zealand Post, following your
Tribunal case. The Ministry will not be responding to any parts of your
request where you have sought an opinion. 

If you would like to proceed with your correspondence in the form of a
complaint, please let us know and we will escalate this to the relevant
teams for their consideration and response. 

If you can please respond to the Ministry before close of business on
Thursday 16 January 2025, we will review your response and action it

If you are not satisfied with this response or feel that the Ministry has
not properly addressed your concerns, you have the right to make a
complaint to the Ombudsman under section 28 of the Act. The Office of the
Ombudsman may be contacted by phone on: 0800 802 602, by email at:
[1][email address], or via the webform: [2]Make a complaint
(for members of the public) | Ombudsman New Zealand


Ngā mihi,


Ministerial Services

Ministry of Justice | Tāhū o te Ture
Level 4 Justice Centre | Aitken Street

DX Box SX 10088 | Wellington




-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Duncan <[4][FOI #29703 email]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 8, 2025 2:03 PM
To: [5][Ministry of Justice request email]
Subject: Official Information request - Reason why disputes allowed this
to continue


Dear Ministry of Justice,

I am requesting a reason why this disputes tribunal case escalated our
dispute with nz post to the point of we no longer get any mail and have no
way of getting our mail,  your referee allowing nz post contractors to
file with the police a harassment claim , yet there is a perfectly good
restraining order application which allows a response.  Now in september
28 2023 nz post file states they were concerned for their well-being,  yet
nz police served a trespass notice,  why would there be two different
stories?. Nz post when they signed as the recipient in june , were they
worried then? What about july? Or August? Or even September?  They knew
due to not getting court documents they cost us $22600 Now as the referee
did in fact state in the hearing as we have a recording of the entire
hearing we have rights under the consumer guarantees act,  yet still threw
it out. This made nz post more aggressive and now we no longer can receive
any mail from the courts, winz, ird, police, or anyon  e.  Now before this
hearing we had a po box , after this hearing we were forced by police to
hand key back due to alleged harassment.  Who is harassing who please? Has
the court been negligent?  Perhaps this needs to be responded to by Janet
Robertshaw.  Now harassment needs to be proven we have dates, but no
times. Our bank statement says different as you don't head to a shop and
buy nothing. 


Yours faithfully,


Peter Duncan




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