GIS data tracks
Craig Innes made this Official Information request to New Zealand Walking Access Commission
This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Craig Innes to read a recent response and update the status.
From: Craig Innes
Tena koe,
Please provide a copy of the tracks and trails datasets.
Please explain why the download function has been removed from the Open Data Portal.
Naku noa, na,
Craig Innes
From: Matt Grose
Kia ora Mr Innes,
Your request:
o Please provide a copy of the tracks and trails datasets.
o Please explain why the download function has been removed from the
Open Data Portal.
Before we respond, can I get some more information from you:
What datasets are you specifically after?
What datasets do you think the download functionality has been removed
from, or what is it you are seeing that makes you think functionality has
been removed?
[1][IMG] Matt Grose
Connecting people Kaiwhakahaere Mahere Raraunga | GIS Manager
Connecting places Herenga ā Nuku Aotearoa
Outdoor Access Commission
Pronouns: he/him | See: [2]
[3]04 815 8511
[4]027 270 0678
[6][IMG] [7][IMG]
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Visible links
3. file:///tmp/tel:04%20815%208511
4. file:///tmp/tel:027%20270%200678
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence