Work Visa AEWV Approval Stats - Nov 2023 to Nov 2024

R B made this Official Information request to Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment

The request was successful.

From: R B

Dear Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment / Immigration New Zealand,

I am a Permanent Resident Visa holder of Aotearoa New Zealand.
I'm wanting to know more about the what skills are actually being assessed and approved on the ground as the media doesn't provide detailed information on this.
Please provide information on:
1) Number of AEWV work visas approved by month and provide the top 10 occupation codes OR unit groups (or in any form where the actual Job group e.g. IT Developer (Tech), Doctor, Nurse (Healthcare) is available) with their respective numbers each month.
2) Number of AEWV work visas approved by month and by top 10 nationalities.
3) Average salary of the ANZSCO job unit groups (top 10 approved) for AEWV visas across the last 12 months (November 2023 - November 2024) and total number of approvals.
e.g. 2613 Software and Applications Programmers - 125K NZD - 1000 approved


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Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment

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Kia ora Rav,
On behalf of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment I
acknowledge your email of 29/11/2024 requesting, under the Official
Information Act 1982, the following:
1) Number of AEWV work visas approved by month and provide the top 10
occupation codes OR unit groups (or in any form where the actual Job group
e.g. IT Developer (Tech), Doctor, Nurse (Healthcare) is available) with
their respective numbers each month.
2) Number of AEWV work visas approved by month and by top 10
3) Average salary of the ANZSCO job unit groups (top 10 approved) for AEWV
visas across the last 12 months (November 2023 - November 2024) and total
number of approvals.
e.g. 2613 Software and Applications Programmers - 125K NZD - 1000 approved
Please note that the days from 25 December 2024 to 15 January 2025
(inclusive) are defined as non-working days in the Act and are not counted
in the calculation for the response due date. This will affect the time
period for responding to your request.
We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible, and no
later than 20/01/2025, being 20 working days after the day your request
was received. If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will
notify you of an extension of that timeframe. If you have any enquiries
regarding your request feel free to contact us via email to
[1][MBIE request email].
Nāku noa, nā
Ministerial Services
Corporate Services, Finance  & Enablement
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
15 Stout Street, Wellington 6011 |  P O Box 1473 Wellington 6140


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1. mailto:[MBIE request email]

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From: INZ OIAs
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment

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Kia ora Rav,


Thank you for the below email.


We need some confirmation as to your Q3- “Average salary of the ANZSCO job
unit groups (top 10 approved) for AEWV visas across the last 12 months
(November 2023 - November 2024) and total number of approvals. e.g. 2613
Software and Applications Programmers - 125K NZD - 1000 approved”


Before we proceed we would like to know if you are happy to receive a
response in terms of hourly rate since, we are unable to provide salary

Please note any clarification or amendment of a request is considered to
be a new request for the purpose of calculating the maximum statutory
timeframe for response [see section 15(1AA) of the Act]. Please respond to
this request by COB 6 December 2024.


Ngâ Mihi,


Sharda Iyer [1](she/her)

Business Advisor

Associate Deputy Secretary Immigration | Immigration New Zealand

Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment


NZBN 9429000106078




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From: R B

Hi Sharda / OIA Team,

Sure, I am happy to receive a response in terms of hourly rate.


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From: INZ OIAs
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment

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Kia ora Rav,


We have your OIA request working on, we still need some clarification
around the below please


Your OIA request – “1) Number of AEWV work visas approved by month and
provide the top 10 occupation codes OR unit groups (or in any form where
the actual Job group e.g. IT Developer (Tech), Doctor, Nurse (Healthcare)
is available) with their respective numbers each month.
2) Number of AEWV work visas approved by month and by top 10
3) Average salary of the ANZSCO job unit groups (top 10 approved) for AEWV
visas across the last 12 months (November 2023 - November 2024) and total
number of approvals.
e.g. 2613 Software and Applications Programmers - 125K NZD - 1000


Clarification required-

When you say “number of AEWV work visas approved by month and …” in your
questions (1), (2) and (3) as highlighted above in bold, are you referring
to the below:


 a. the total number of all approved AEWV work visas from 1 November 2023
to 30 November 2024, broken down by months” PLUS the total number of
top 10 occupations/top 10 nationalities, broken down by months?


 b. the total number of AEWV work visas for the top 10
occupations/nationalities and average salaries of top 10 occupations
(and broken down by countries).


We appreciate your response by COB 17 January 2025. Thank you



Ngâ Mihi,


Sharda Iyer [1](she/her)

Business Advisor

Associate Deputy Secretary Immigration | Immigration New Zealand

Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment


NZBN 9429000106078


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From: R B

Kia Ora Sharda,

The first option (a) seems closer to what I am looking for.
I'll provide the description of rows and columns I'm looking for if it helps.
Basically I want different details for every month for those 12 months.

General numbers
I have simplified the first Qn to make it easier as other Qns will cover it.
Table 1 (Qn 1) - Total AEWV approved each month. 12 rows (1 for each month) and 1 column (AEWVs approved).

Occupation breakdown (top 10 only)
Table 3 (Qn 3) - Average salary of AEWV approved each month (top 10 unit groups or occupations) - columns will be Month, Occupation or Unit Code, Average Salary (in that month of that occupation or unit code), Approved AEWV (for specific occupation or unit code).
So each month will have 10 rows.

Nationality breakdown (top 10 only)
Table 2 (Qn 2) - columns will be Month, Nationality, AEWV approved (in that month for the specific nationality).
So each month again will have 10 rows.

Hope this clarifies your question.
In case it doesn't, please do the interpret it in the easiest possible way for purposes of this request.

Thank you,

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From: INZ OIAs
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment

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Attachment DOIA REQ 0007026 Rav Extension Letter.pdf
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Kia ora Rav,



Please find attached the extension letter regarding your Official
Information Act request.



Ngā Mihi nui



Sharda Iyer [1](she/her)

Business Advisor

Associate Deputy Secretary Immigration | Immigration New Zealand

Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment


NZBN 9429000106078





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From: INZ OIAs
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment

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Attachment DOIA REQ 0007026 Rav Response.pdf
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Attachment Appendix DOIA REQ 0007026 Rav.pdf
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Kia ora Rav,


Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act


Kindly acknowledge the receipt of this email.


Ngā mihi nui


Sharda Iyer [1](she/her)

Business Advisor

Associate Deputy Secretary Immigration | Immigration New Zealand

Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment


NZBN 9429000106078


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