List of charter school applications + further application details
Kitty made this Official Information request to Charter School Agency
From: Kitty
Dear Charter School Agency,
I am requesting a current list of charter school applications, including those from new providers and existing state schools seeking conversion.
Please also provide information about:
- the number of funded spaces available
- the maximum amount of funding which is available per space
- what is entailed in the first, second, and any further phases of the assessment which charter school applicants go through, such as the criteria used to make a determination about the suitability of a charter school application vs an unsuitable application.
Thank you for your time,
Yours faithfully,
From: Charter Schools
Charter School Agency
Tēnā koe
Thank you for your email and interest in Charter Schools | Kura Hourua.
The reintroduction of Charter Schools | Kura Hourua will give a new
schooling choice to families, and more flexibility for educators to lift
children’s achievement. Charter Schools are one way that the Government is
aiming to improve student achievement. The first Charter Schools will
open from Term 1 2025.
If your email requires a more substantive response, we’ll be in touch in
the next five working days.
Further information on charter schools can be found on the Charter Schools
Agency website: [1]Charter schools | kura hourua :: Charter Schools | Kura
Ngā Mihi,
The Charter Schools Team
He mea tārai e mātou te mātauranga kia rangatira ai, kia mana taurite ai
ōna huanga
We shape an education system that delivers equitable and excellent
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